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Business Partner not synchronized from vendor. Tax number category does not exist

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Hello. We are working on converting our customers and vendors to Business Partners. We do not use SRM. (Sorry about the tag, not much relevant to chose from, it seemed the closest.) When converting existing vendors or creating new ones, if they have a UK country code (LFA1- LAND1) and an entry in either the Tax Number 1 (LFA1- STCD1) or Tax Number 2 (LFA1- STCD2) fields, the Business Partner is not created. The following error messages are received in MDS_PPO2:

  • If the vendor country = UK and there is an entry in Tax Number 1 (LFA1- STCD1) error message received is: Tax number category1 does not exist. Message no. FKBPTAX003
  • If the vendor country = UK and there is an entry in Tax Number 2 (LFA1- STCD1) error message received is: Tax number category2 does not exist. Message no. FKBPTAX003

Pages 63-64 of the SAP S/4 HANA Cookbook: Customer/Vendor Integration (ver. 19Q4) addresses this type of error. It says:

The root cause for this error is a missing tax number category in view V_TFKTAXNUMTYPEC. You must maintain in view V_TFKTAXNUMTYPEC the entries for the countries relevant for your system.

IMG -> Cross-Application Components -> SAP Business Partner -> Business Partner -> Basic Settings -> Tax Numbers -> Maintain Tax Number Categories

The standard settings follow a naming convention of two letters and a number:

• The two letters are the ISO code of the country for which the tax number is used

• The number is a sequential number.

The number controls which Tax Number field in the Customer or Vendor master this tax number is used. For creation of new entries in V_TFKTAXNUMTYPEC you need to select one of the predefined tax types as key. If the tax type does not exist in the system, you must first create a new entry in view V_TFKTAXNUMTYPE using transaction SM30.

After adding entries UK1 and UK2 in V_TFKTAXNUMTYPE, and V_TFKTAXNUMTYPEC the errors still persist. Other vendors from different countries have entries in Tax Number 1 and Tax Number 2 and do not have any issues converting/creating/changing the Business Partner in the background. Only the UK Anyone with any insight on this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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0 Kudos

Thank you for your response. Our ABAP programmer did de-bug and found that an entry for the UK needed to added at:

SPRO->SAP Netweaver -> General Settings -> Set Countries -> Define Countries in MySAP Systems. This fixed our issue.

Active Contributor
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Hello Chris,

did you look for OSS notes dealing with your issue?

If nothing relevant was found, i advise you to debug the process or to open an OSS message.

