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NW2004s SP9 Java Trial (better VC) is now available.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi community,

NW2004s SP9 Full Java Preview is available for download. A download page is at the moment missing. For those who want to try out now:



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I already installed this preview on a Windows XP system with flash 8.0 without any problems, but when I tried to login to the VC 7.0 I got an error message that MSXML 4.0 Service has to be installed. I downloaded the .msi file and installed it. After that I could start the VC, but when starting my virus alert gave the following warning:

" could be a mass-mailing worm"

The file can be found in: <install-drive>:\usr\sap\J2E\JC01\j2ee\cluster\server0\apps\\vc_client\servlet_jsp\VCRes\root\webContent\VisualComposer\6.00\bin\

So I have two questions:

1. May this be a proper warning and this file is dangerous and should be deleted?

2. Why the directory, where the file is located, has the version descriptor 6.0 when the version of the Vsiual Composer should be 7.0?

Any remarks? Any ideas?

Probably this is only a minor thing but I usually get alarmed when my virus alert is red

Thanks the lot

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Petra,

this is a little bit strange. is a file created by you? It s not part of the delivery.

In priciple this files has a lot of .js - maybe thats why your virus warning happens. My virus check is fine.

Regarding the version 6.00 - I will check this. This is maybe the content version numbver.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Oliver,

after I had a constant failure when starting the VC I installed a new system, this time on windows server 2003 standard edition. The installation process ran smooth except for some bickering of the installer because of the localized version of the OS I installed.

But I got the same error when starting the VC. But this time I simply turned of my virus checker. Everything OK, I created my first model already.

I guess the virus alert arouses of the heavy dependency of the VC on Javascript which causes my virus alert to come to action. The previous problems with the VC came from the action my virus checker took after identifying a possible danger, simply erasing the file.

So there was no executable left after the cleansing.

Of course there is some fine tuning which would prevent the virus checker in future from this erroneous behaviour. Anaway some more problems I identified when trying to start a webdynpro. I system was missing which was defined in the webdynpro as datasource. This is a matter of course but I nevertheless find it worth mentioning for anyone who is a novice to the webdynpro technique and would feel slightly disturbed by the red signs.

Will there be a possibility to prolong the 90 day license of the server?

Its a tedious task to get all this running and you have to create everything from the scratch again.

Anayway rhanks for the possibility to have all this running on my laptop!

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Oliver,

still working with my test edition created out of those 4 files. But now there is a new version available. You placed the link to the home page of SDN. Are those 4 files identical to the files you offer here?

If there had been some corrections I would prefer to install everything new. Still I can work only with turned of virus alert which causes an uneasy feeling. It should be possibel to work under "normal" condition with this preview.

Any remarks to the possibility to prolong the test phase?

90 days are a very short period if you have a lot else to do and can concentrate on the topic only at weekends and holidays


0 Kudos

Does it include the installation guide, and installation guides for all the components?

0 Kudos

Hi Greg,

There is a short installation procedure description based on the html startpage. Thats all. If you need information in the depht you should look for the regular installation guides in the SAP portal.

Former Member
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During unzipping part1.rar file, i was encountered with error message [EXPDUMP.001 the file is corrupt).


! D:\2004s SP7 Sneak Preview\NW2004sSP7_Preview.part1.rar: CRC failed in Sneak_Preview_Content\JAVA\JDMP\EXPDUMP.001. The file is corrupt

! D:\2004s SP7 Sneak Preview\NW2004sSP7_Preview.part1.rar: Unexpected end of archive


I tried several times, but failed.

is there any option to unzip this file?

Actually EXPDUMP.001 is very huge file.

I am curious about it is my own problem..

-> Sorry, it is my mistake. File size is small. The file may be wrong. I will try to downolad again.



Message was edited by: Sang Hun Kim

Message was edited by: Sang Hun Kim

0 Kudos


Yes. It sounds like your download cut off early or is corrupt.

0 Kudos

Hi all,

some of my downloaded files does not match the measures given on download page. Would it be possible for you to give the Kb amoutn instead? That way it would be easier to know if the file you've downloaded is correct or not. Right now I'm stuck at a strange error after selecting where I've put the Policy archive. Please see thread

/thread/146317 [original link is broken]

Kind regards,


0 Kudos

Hi Everybody,

Download such big files (almost 2 GB) is problem for me. I get disconnected many times inbetween. Is there a possibility I can download NW2004s sneak preview using download manager similar to we do wile downloading from service marketplace? If this is not available, I request SDN to start such functionality.

Thanks very much.

0 Kudos


Personnaly, I use an internet download manger to get these files (Getright for example, and there are some other tools other the web), this is simple and works fine.

Active Contributor
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Hi Oliver Stiefbold,

Can you check this thread, would appreciate your kind response to this thread.



Former Member
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Have you managed to sort out the problem with the Corrupt EXPDUMP.001?

I keep getting this problem even after downloading the files multiple times on different PC's.

Has anyone else fixed this problem

Former Member
0 Kudos

I am unable to download any of the Links provided.

Former Member
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What are the system / hardware requirements for this edition? Does it run under Unix?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

none of the trials run under unix.

there is a linux version available in (webas)

0 Kudos

It is not the NW2004s release that is available on Linux. Unfortunately the only release I could find was dated Sept 28, 2004. Any updates planned?

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi everyone, I just finished downloading the trial version of SAPNW2004s ABAP Trial from the downloadpage. When trying to unpack the package I keep getting the following message:

looking for: SAPNW2004sABAP Trail_part1.rar and SAPNW2004sABAP Trail\image\load_datasave.gz. File corrupt

Is there any way to solve this Problem?

I tried to unpack threetimes, and always at 70% this message apears.

Would be very glad for any hint.


0 Kudos

Hello George,

I'm facing the same error(tried downloading it twice). Did you find a solution to this problem?

"When trying to unpack the package I keep getting the following message:

looking for: SAPNW2004sABAP Trail_part1.rar and SAPNW2004sABAP Trail\image\load_datasave.gz. File corrupt"


0 Kudos

I've got the same problems with different files...

I downloaded the two files multiple times now, with different corrupt files each time... ?!? These are huge files, I downloaded them with flashget... the part1 is ok now, I'll give part2 one more try this afternoon...

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Former Member
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Can I get a prolongable license key for this trial version?

ths & rgds,


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi everyone, I have downloaded the trial package of SAP' NW2004s SP9 Java Trial.

Now I found out that this is only running on Service pack1 machines. since I don't have to many experience with the computer stuff, I have one question.

Is it possible to setback my system from SP2 to SP1.

And my second question: Is there possibly a patch for SP2 somewhere out there?

I just cannot believe, that a system like SAP should not be able to copy with SP2 too.

Any answer is very much appreciated.


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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should also work on SP2. However it was tested with SP1.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Oliver,

Do you know if/when the NW2004s Trial versions will be available for download again?



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Monday is planned.

0 Kudos

Thanks for the quick reply!


Former Member
0 Kudos

I could unrar first file but not the second one though I downloaded it twice. It says

"error creating file: ... SDMKIT.JAR"

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos


you have to unrar both files in the same directory. the 2nd file cannot be unrared on its own. Hope this helps. BR, Oliver

0 Kudos

>you have to unrar both files in the same directory. the 2nd file cannot be unrared on its own. Hope this helps. BR, Oliver

OK Thanks, I'm more accustomed with zip files.

0 Kudos

After the

Java(TM) Cryptography Extension (JCE) step I got this error in log

INFO 2007-06-13 12:57:42

An error occured and the user decided to rety the current step: "|NW_Java_OneHost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_Onehost_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|1|0|NW_GetSidNoProfiles|ind|ind|ind|ind|1|0|collect".

WARNING 2007-06-13 12:57:42

Error 5 (Accès refusé.

) in execution of a 'RegOpenKeyEx' function, line (69), with parameter (SYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesBlackICE).

WARNING 2007-06-13 12:57:42

The subkey 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesBlackICE' does not exist on the 'localhost' host.

ERROR 2007-06-13 12:57:42

MOS-01185 The subkey 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesBlackICE' does not exist on the 'localhost' host.

ERROR 2007-06-13 12:57:42

FCO-00011 The step collect with step key |NW_Java_OneHost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_Onehost_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|1|0|NW_GetSidNoProfiles|ind|ind|ind|ind|1|0|collect was executed with status ERROR .

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

BlackICE is a a kind of internet virus scanner.

Strange, should have nothing to do with SAP.

0 Kudos

>BlackICE is a a kind of internet virus scanner.

Strange, should have nothing to do with SAP.

This happened on a notebook so I tried on another pc. It works but it refuses to install because it needs english windows. Though I change the language settings of windows, it doesn't want to install.

So should I give up or is there any turn around ?


0 Kudos

Dear Alain and All,

I have the simalar problem :

I have downloaded SAP NetWeaver 7.0 Java Trial Version and install.

I have complete successfully installation. But when try to start I get "start failed 2, Invalid Credentials" error.

I had remove and reinstall free times, always same error!

Could you help me

0 Kudos

Was this rar file ever released?


The initial post shows the filename but it is not visible in the ftp folder

Does anyone have an SAP link to this file for download?

Former Member
0 Kudos


Could you please explain where I can download SAP Developer Studio for "SAP NetWeaver 7.0 Java Trial Version"? Provided in the first message URL:


is invalid.



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos


I just realized, that it is missing. We will upload it today.

BR and thx for the hint,


0 Kudos

> Hi,

> I just realized, that it is missing. We will upload

> it today.

> BR and thx for the hint,

> Oliver


Thank you for quick response but it's not uploaded yet.

