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Error while creating incident

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Dear Team,

I tried creating incident using the incident reporter role but it throws an error stating " Mandatory field Involved person must be filled".

I have assigned internal number range for incident id - EHHSSPIID as shown in the attachment.

Please guide me If I am missing any config.

I am on ECC 6 , EHP 7 and on EHSM 6.0



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Hi Dhinesh,

the internal number range (NR) interval needs to be named IE. In your screenshot the NR interval is named 18. The BOPF logic of EHSM looks for the NR interval IE and cannot find it. Could you please maintain this number range interval and recheck?



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dear Neff,

The issue has been for resolved for incident number range incorrectly maintained as 18 instead of IE. However what are the data to be maintained for the classification field. Is there any SAP note.

Thanks & Regards


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Dear Dhinesh,

the error looks to me like the location classification is defined as a mandatory field as part of the field control customizing and has not been filled on the user interface. Maybe no customizing is available for this field and therefore it cannot be filled. The customizing node for the location classification can be found in the IMG at: SAP EHS Management -> Incident Management -> Incident Recording -> Basic Information -> Specify Location Classifications

Besides this it is a bit hard to guess without seeing the rest of the UI.

Probably it would also be worthwile checking other NR intervals. Most internal intervals should be IE for Incident Management.



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Hello Team

Need your help as we are getting same error mandatory field "involved person" must be field.

as per earlier posted blog there is one note mentioned 1526402 which is cannot implemented.

number range object is also maintained with IE from 00000000001 to 9999999999. Still we are facing this error. could you please help us to understand this error. we are at ECC6 and EHP7 level.