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DPI Scaling settings

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Hello SAP Community

I have an issue of understanding which settings I should set for scaling. There are two scaling settings:

1) Scaling for a screen;

2) Scaling for the Change the size of text, apps and other items.

May I set 150% scalling for a screen and 100% scalling for the size of text, apps and other items? In order to record without problems.

Our authors have monitors with high resolution and recording with 100% scalling for a screen leads to a very small objects in pictures.

Now we have default settings like 150% for a screen and 175% for the size of text, apps and other items. With such dpi scaling settings the simulation is recorded very slow and mistakes in active area identification are appeared.

And also guide says if there is a high resolution we should set an appropriate dpi scalling. For instance, if we have resolution 1920*1080 than we should have screen scaling like 150%. But guide doesn't say anything about scalling for the size of text, apps and other items.

Best regards,


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Where do you set 'scaling for a screen' vs. 'scaling for text'? There's two settings that are helpful to pay attention to. One is the browser scaling (obviously for cloud apps) which I recommend is always set to 100%.

The other is the Windows Setting, which seems to shift in every release, but in Windows 11 it is under System > Display > Scale and Layout > Scale (also often referred to as the "DPI scale") and has a description of "Change the size of text, apps, and other items". It used to be a requirement to have this set to 100%, but SAP put some code in a couple of years back that is supposed to cater for this (by way of the DPI Scaling property of the Simulation Start macro). However, in my experience, this can be a bit hit-or-miss, so I prefer to set this to exactly 100% for recording.

This can cause objects to appear extremely small on high-resolution displays, but just because your display works at 2880x1920 (as is the case for my Surface 9 - where the Scale defaults to 200%) doesn't mean you have to run it at this. For recording, I change my Surface to 1440x960 and Scale=100% and everything is big enough to read and captures/plays back OK. Yes, it's annoying to have to change it just for recording, but at least it works consistently.

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Hello Dirk

I forgot to add a clarification to "Scaling for a screen". All authors work on VDI machines. And in the settings of display for a VDI we can set resolution and scaling. And another circumstanse is the use of second monitor by HDMI. So the resolution can be very high.

So when there are automatic setting for display in VDI - the resoluton and scalling for the text and etc. are default in parametres of VDI screen and scaling for the text field couldn't be edited manually.

It looks like this. This scaling is the maximum scaling for my second monitor. But I set 125% on local machine.

Moreover, when we go through Extra parametres of scaling (blue text in russian on the screen above) we can see

And this scaling I set in VDI parametres of display and also this scaling is set in parametres on my local machine

Our VDI support says that all display settings are taken from local machine.

In conclusion, what I've realised. When you work on VDI machine the display settings are very tricky to set them up correctly.

What to do?

Don't use automatic display settings for VDI because it takes some default and not settings from local machine

Before entering the VDI machine you should set resolution and 100% scaling manualy.

Active Contributor
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Everything to do with recording via VDI is tricky. Yes, I think setting the local machine to 100% and not letting VDI override this would probably be the correct solution, but I don't have any experience of this, so I can't say for sure. Sorry.