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CPM 4.2 SP4 - append or clear from fact table don't work!

0 Kudos

Dear Experts,

we recently migrated our custom application set from CPM 4.2 SP2 to CPM 4.2 SP4.

we followed "Outlooksoft V4.2 SP4 Installation Guide", but some DTS tasks don't work. In particular "Clear from fact table" and "Append into fact table".

They are very important for our customer, since they are more fast and performing against normal "Clear" and "Append" DTS. After migration, first we executed task "Validate and Process Security" to set up security. Then we saved each application of our custom application set.

When we tried to execute "Clear from fact table" or "Append into Fact Table", we can see errors in Package Status. When we double-click on the error item to see the Detail Log, no log is visible.

I mean, the [Message] section of the Detail Log contains only blank rows.

Then we logon to ApShell, where we executed "Clear from fact table" and "Append into fact table" DTS tasks, and they works fine.

Finally, we replaced the DTS packages of one application of our custom application set, with the packages contained in ApShell, then we launched a Full Optimize with Compress Database option enabled, but nothing changed.

Any ideas ?

Thanks a lot and best regards,


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Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Dario,

Have you checked if the .dts files (e.g. clear.dts) are available in the correct folder ?

\Everest\Webfolders\[APPSET NAME]\[APP NAME]\DataManager\PackageFiles\System Files

If they are not then just copy them from AppShell and they should work now.

Hope it helps !


0 Kudos

Hi Juan Carlos,

Thanks for your reply.

Yes, we checked the .dts files in

\Webfolders\[CUSTOM APPSET NAME]\[CUSTOM APP NAME\DataManager\PackageFiles\System Files

and they are OK.

We also tried to replace these .dts files with those in ApShell /SystemFiles folder, but nothing changed.



Edited by: DARIO CUPPARI on May 11, 2009 12:49 PM

Former Member
0 Kudos

Ok, just another small thing (maybe you tried already). Have you tried to re-register the clear and append dts packages ? They are available by default in the system folder but you could do it again under any other name or folder.

You should go to Organize Package list, selecf File mode and add one of them (e.g. clear.dts).

If I can find about something else similar in our records I will let you know...

