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Change default from access request and add additional tab

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Hi expert,

Is it possible to change default from "access request form" for Request type and request for?

*I want every time user open "access request form" there was default for field request type and request for

In SAP ECC (SU01D) there was information regarding Parameter and Lic.Data, where I can fill this information in SAP GRC - Access request form?

*I want to create user access through SAP GRC but I don't find any field/tab to fill this kind of information

Thank you

Best Regards,


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I had not noticed that it was pulling search help from the GRC system. Maybe you can create a custom search help in GRC that has all the various values you need. As I said before, we were not pursuing this path but are looking at a user exit in the plug-in. Unfortunately the EUP does not address license types. Hope this helps.



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Hi James,

Thank you very much for your help.

Best Regards,
