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0 Kudos

Getting error of assign additional roles during cockpit installation, not sure where am failing installing it in SLES15SP4:

- INFO:/var/tmp/hdb_H4B_hdblcm_install_2023-10-20_22.04.43/hdbmodify_addlocalroles.msg

- INFO: MSGL _TIME=2023-10-20 22:10:32.232 _NO=1

22:10:30.185 - INFO: Installing signal handler

22:10:30.185 - INFO: Handler for signal INT

22:10:30.185 - INFO: Handler for signal PIPE

22:10:30.186 - INFO: Handler for signal ABRT

22:10:30.186 - INFO: Handler for signal FPE

22:10:30.186 - INFO: Handler for signal QUIT

22:10:30.186 - INFO: Handler for signal SYS

22:10:30.186 - INFO: Handler for signal TRAP

22:10:30.186 - INFO: Handler for signal TERM

22:10:30.186 - INFO: Checking process limits

22:10:30.186 - INFO: nproc limit: hard = unlimited, soft = unlimited

22:10:30.186 - INFO: System Information

22:10:30.275 - INFO: Operating System: Linux

22:10:30.275 - INFO: Architecture : X86-64

22:10:30.275 - INFO: Version : 5.14.21

22:10:30.275 - INFO: Subversion : 150400.22-default

22:10:30.275 - INFO: C Runtime : GLIBC 2.31

22:10:30.275 - INFO: Cpu features : sse sse2 cmpxchg16b

22:10:30.276 - INFO: Host Name : iwf1118127

22:10:30.276 - INFO: Manufacturer : VMware, Inc.

22:10:30.276 - INFO: Product : VMware Virtual Platform

22:10:30.276 - INFO: Distribution : SLES 15.4

22:10:30.287 - INFO: Installer Information

22:10:30.287 - INFO: using installed Installer

22:10:30.287 - INFO: Version is 2.2.30 (git hash: 954fa057b45e)

22:10:30.288 - INFO: GitHash is 954fa057b45e

22:10:30.288 - INFO: Platform is linuxx86_64

22:10:30.288 - INFO: Perl version is v5.24.1

22:10:30.288 - INFO: Running as console application

22:10:30.288 - INFO: Program Call Information

22:10:30.288 - INFO: Caller program name is hdbmodify

22:10:30.288 - INFO: Command line arguments: -b --add_roles=iwf1118127:role=xs_worker --read_password_from_stdin=xml --instlog_dir=/var/tmp/hdb_H4B_hdblcm_install_2023-10-20_22.04.43 --system_user=SYSTEM --auto_initialize_services=1 --org_manager_user=COCKPIT_ADMIN --import_xs_content=on --skip_modify_sudoers=off

22:10:30.288 - INFO: Current directory: /cockpit/cockpit5ver/XSA_RT_20_LINUX_X86_64

22:10:30.288 - INFO: Installer directory: /hana/shared/H4B/global/hdb/install/bin/instruntime

22:10:30.288 - INFO: Pid is 6212

22:10:30.288 - INFO: Effective uid 0

22:10:30.288 - INFO: Real uid 0

22:10:30.288 - INFO: Effective gid 0 0

22:10:30.288 - INFO: Real gid 0 0

22:10:30.288 - INFO: Environment Dump

22:10:30.288 - INFO: AUDIODRIVER = pulseaudio

22:10:30.288 - INFO: COLORTERM = 1

22:10:30.288 - INFO: CPU = x86_64

22:10:30.288 - INFO: CSHEDIT = emacs

22:10:30.288 - INFO: DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS = unix:path=/run/user/0/bus

22:10:30.288 - INFO: DISPLAY = localhost:10.0

22:10:30.288 - INFO: FROM_HEADER =

22:10:30.288 - INFO: GPG_TTY = /dev/pts/0

22:10:30.288 - INFO: G_BROKEN_FILENAMES = 1

22:10:30.288 - INFO: HISTSIZE = 1000

22:10:30.288 - INFO: HOME = /root

22:10:30.288 - INFO: HOST = iwf1118127

22:10:30.288 - INFO: HOSTNAME = iwf1118127

22:10:30.288 - INFO: HOSTTYPE = x86_64

22:10:30.288 - INFO: LANG = POSIX

22:10:30.288 - INFO: LCMEXTRA_FOLDER = /var/tmp/lcmextra_6TjbvA

22:10:30.288 - INFO: LC_CTYPE = en_US.UTF-8

22:10:30.288 - INFO: LD_LIBRARY_PATH = /hana/shared/H4B/global/hdb/install/bin/instruntime

22:10:30.288 - INFO: LESS = -M -I -R

22:10:30.288 - INFO: LESSCLOSE = %s %s

22:10:30.288 - INFO: LESSKEY = /etc/lesskey.bin

22:10:30.288 - INFO: LESSOPEN = %s


22:10:30.288 - INFO: LIBGL_DEBUG = quiet

22:10:30.288 - INFO: LOGNAME = root

22:10:30.289 - INFO: LS_COLORS = no=00:fi=00:di=01;34:ln=00;36:pi=40;33:so=01;35:do=01;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=41;33;01:ex=00;32:*.cmd=00;32:*.exe=01;32:*.com=01;32:*.bat=01;32:*.btm=01;32:*.dll=01;32:*.tar=00;31:*.tbz=00;31:*.tgz=00;31:*.rpm=00;31:*.deb=00;31:*.arj=00;31:*.taz=00;31:*.lzh=00;31:*.lzma=00;31:*.zip=00;31:*.zoo=00;31:*.z=00;31:*.Z=00;31:*.gz=00;31:*.bz2=00;31:*.tb2=00;31:*.tz2=00;31:*.tbz2=00;31:*.xz=00;31:*.avi=01;35:*.bmp=01;35:*.dl=01;35:*.fli=01;35:*.gif=01;35:*.gl=01;35:*.jpg=01;35:*.jpeg=01;35:*.mkv=01;35:*.mng=01;35:*.mov=01;35:*.mp4=01;35:*.mpg=01;35:*.pcx=01;35:*.pbm=01;35:*.pgm=01;35:*.png=01;35:*.ppm=01;35:*.svg=01;35:*.tga=01;35:*.tif=01;35:*.webm=01;35:*.webp=01;35:*.wmv=01;35:*.xbm=01;35:*.xcf=01;35:*.xpm=01;35:*.aiff=00;32:*.ape=00;32:*.au=00;32:*.flac=00;32:*.m4a=00;32:*.mid=00;32:*.mp3=00;32:*.mpc=00;32:*.ogg=00;32:*.voc=00;32:*.wav=00;32:*.wma=00;32:*.wv=00;32:

22:10:30.289 - INFO: LS_OPTIONS = -A -N --color=tty -T 0

22:10:30.289 - INFO: MACHTYPE = x86_64-suse-linux

22:10:30.289 - INFO: MAIL = /var/spool/mail/root

22:10:30.289 - INFO: MANPATH = /usr/share/man:/usr/local/man:/opt/omni/lib/man

22:10:30.289 - INFO: MINICOM = -c on

22:10:30.289 - INFO: MORE = -sl

22:10:30.289 - INFO: OLDPWD = /hana/shared

22:10:30.289 - INFO: OSTYPE = linux

22:10:30.289 - INFO: PAGER = less

22:10:30.289 - INFO: PATH = /sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/root/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin

22:10:30.289 - INFO: PROFILEREAD = true

22:10:30.289 - INFO: PWD = /cockpit/cockpit5ver

22:10:30.289 - INFO: PYTHONSTARTUP = /etc/pythonstart

22:10:30.289 - INFO: QEMU_AUDIO_DRV = pa

22:10:30.289 - INFO: QT_SYSTEM_DIR = /usr/share/desktop-data

22:10:30.289 - INFO: SHELL = /bin/bash

22:10:30.289 - INFO: SHLVL = 2

22:10:30.289 - INFO: SSH_CLIENT = 57153 22

22:10:30.289 - INFO: SSH_CONNECTION = 57153 22

22:10:30.289 - INFO: SSH_TTY = /dev/pts/0

22:10:30.289 - INFO: TERM = xterm

22:10:30.289 - INFO: USER = root

22:10:30.289 - INFO: WINDOWMANAGER = /usr/bin/gnome

22:10:30.289 - INFO: XAUTHLOCALHOSTNAME = iwf1118127

22:10:30.289 - INFO: XDG_CONFIG_DIRS = /etc/xdg

22:10:30.289 - INFO: XDG_DATA_DIRS = /root/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share:/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share:/usr/local/share:/usr/share

22:10:30.289 - INFO: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR = /run/user/0

22:10:30.289 - INFO: XDG_SESSION_CLASS = user

22:10:30.289 - INFO: XDG_SESSION_ID = 2

22:10:30.289 - INFO: XDG_SESSION_TYPE = tty

22:10:30.289 - INFO: XKEYSYMDB = /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XKeysymDB

22:10:30.289 - INFO: XNLSPATH = /usr/share/X11/nls

22:10:30.289 - INFO: _ = /cockpit/cockpit5ver/HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64/hdblcmgui

22:10:30.299 - INFO: SAP HANA Lifecycle Management - hdbmodify_addlocalroles 2.2.30 ***************************************************************

22:10:30.299 - INFO: Start Date: 2023-10-20 - hdbmodify 0032

22:10:30.299 - INFO: Log File ID: hdbmodify_2023-10-20_22.10.29_6212

22:10:30.299 - INFO: Checking configuration

22:10:30.299 - INFO: Parameter 'sapmnt' (Target) is set with default value = '/hana/shared'

22:10:30.299 - INFO: Parameter 'scope' (ScopeModify) is set with default value = 'system'

22:10:30.299 - INFO: Parameter 'remote_execution' (RemoteExecution) is set with default value = 'ssh'

22:10:30.300 - INFO: Parameter 'use_http' (UseHttp) is not set

22:10:30.300 - INFO: Parameter 'install_hostagent' (InstallHostagent) is set with default value = 'No'

22:10:30.300 - INFO: Parameter 'sid' (SID) is set with default value = 'H4B'

22:10:30.303 - INFO:

22:10:30.303 - INFO: System Properties:

22:10:30.300 - INFO: H4B /hana/shared/H4B HDB_ALONE

22:10:30.303 - INFO: HDB95

22:10:30.303 - INFO: version:

22:10:30.303 - INFO: host: iwf1118127 (Database Worker (worker))

22:10:30.303 - INFO: edition: SAP HANA Cockpit

22:10:30.303 - INFO: Parameter 'auto_initialize_services' (AutoInitializeServices) is given via command line option, value = 'Yes'

22:10:30.303 - INFO: Parameter 'sso_cert' (SSOCertificate) is not set

22:10:30.303 - INFO: Parameter 'add_roles' (AddRoles) is given via command line option, value = 'iwf1118127:role=xs_worker'

22:10:30.306 - INFO: Hostname 'iwf1118127' specifies the local machine.

22:10:30.312 - INFO: Parameter 'add_local_roles' (AddLocalRoles) is not set

22:10:30.312 - INFO: Parameter 'remove_roles' (RemoveRoles) is skipped

22:10:30.312 - INFO: Parameter 'remove_local_roles' (RemoveLocalRoles) is skipped

22:10:30.312 - INFO: Parameter 'removehosts' (RemoveHosts) is skipped

22:10:30.312 - INFO: Parameter 'autoadd_xs_roles' (AutoAddXS2Roles) is set with default value = 'No'

22:10:30.312 - INFO: Parameter 'addhosts' (AddHosts) is skipped

22:10:30.312 - INFO: Parameter 'install_ssh_key' (InstallSSHKey) is skipped

22:10:30.312 - INFO: Parameter 'root_user' (RootUser) is skipped

22:10:30.312 - INFO: Parameter 'root_password' (RootPassword) is skipped

22:10:30.312 - INFO: Parameter 'skip_hostagent_password' (SkipHostagentPw) is skipped

22:10:30.312 - INFO: Parameter 'sapadm_password' (HostagentPassword) is skipped

22:10:30.312 - INFO: Parameter 'listen_interface' (ListenInterface) is skipped

22:10:30.312 - INFO: Parameter 'internal_network' (InternalNetwork) is skipped

22:10:30.312 - INFO: Parameter 'keep_user' (KeepUser) is skipped

22:10:30.312 - INFO: Parameter 'keep_user_home_dir' (KeepUserHomeDir) is skipped

22:10:30.313 - INFO: Parameter 'keep_xs_os_users' (KeepXsUsers) is set with default value = 'No'

22:10:30.313 - INFO: Parameter 'skip_modify_sudoers' (SkipModifySudoers) is given via command line option, value = 'No'

22:10:30.313 - INFO: Parameter 'force' (Force) is set with default value = 'No'

22:10:30.313 - INFO: Parameter 'nostart' (NoStart) is set with default value = 'No'

22:10:30.313 - INFO: Parameter 'import_xs_content' (ImportContentXS2) is given via command line option, value = 'Yes'

22:10:30.313 - INFO: Parameter 'load_initial_xs_content' (LoadInitialContentXS2) is not set

22:10:30.313 - INFO: Parameter 'system_user' (SystemUser) is given via command line option, value = 'SYSTEM'

22:10:30.332 - INFO: SYSTEM user password verified.

22:10:30.402 - INFO: License check successfully performed.

22:10:30.402 - INFO: Parameter 'system_user_password' (SQLSysPasswd) is given via input stream, value = '***'

22:10:30.402 - INFO: Parameter 'ase_user' (AcceleratorUser) is skipped

22:10:30.402 - INFO: Parameter 'ase_user_password' (AcceleratorPassword) is skipped

22:10:30.403 - INFO: Parameter 'org_manager_user' (OrgManagerUser) is given via command line option, value = 'COCKPIT_ADMIN'

22:10:30.403 - INFO: Parameter 'org_manager_password' (OrgManagerPassword) is given via input stream, value = '***'

22:10:30.403 - INFO: Parameter 'isc_mode' (ISCMode) is not set

22:10:30.406 - INFO: Parameter 'password' (Password) is given via input stream, value = '***'

22:10:30.406 - INFO: Parameter 'tenantdb_user' (TenantUser) is skipped

22:10:30.406 - INFO: Parameter 'tenantdb_user_password' (SQLTenantUserPassword) is skipped

22:10:30.407 - INFO: Modifying configuration of SAP HANA System 'H4B'...

22:10:30.410 - INFO: Summary before execution:

22:10:30.410 - INFO: Installation Path: /hana/shared

22:10:30.410 - INFO: SAP HANA System ID: H4B

22:10:30.410 - INFO: Additional Host Roles: iwf1118127:role=xs_worker

22:10:30.411 - INFO: System Database User Name: SYSTEM

22:10:30.411 - INFO: XS Advanced Admin User: COCKPIT_ADMIN

22:10:30.411 - INFO: Hosts to be removed are not specified

22:10:30.411 - INFO: Inter-Service Communication properties are not specified

22:10:30.415 - INFO: Adding role 'xs_worker' on local host 'iwf1118127'...

22:10:30.278 - INFO: Found SAP HANA Database host: iwf1118127

22:10:30.278 - INFO: Host iwf1118127 is local

22:10:30.280 - INFO: Getting global.ini

22:10:30.280 - INFO: Reading global.ini

22:10:30.281 - INFO: Layer 'Default' found

22:10:30.287 - INFO: Layer 'System' found

22:10:30.287 - INFO: Layer 'Host' not found

22:10:30.287 - INFO: Found value 'multidb/mode' = 'multidb' in layer 'System'

22:10:30.287 - INFO: Found value 'multidb/database_isolation' = 'low' in layer 'System'

22:10:30.303 - INFO: Found value 'communication/listeninterface' = '.local' in layer 'Default'

22:10:30.306 - INFO: Reading daemon.ini

22:10:30.307 - INFO: Layer 'Default' found

22:10:30.309 - INFO: Layer 'System' found

22:10:30.309 - INFO: Layer 'Host' found

22:10:30.309 - INFO: Found value 'xscontroller/instances' = '0' in layer 'Default'

22:10:30.309 - INFO: Reading daemon.ini

22:10:30.309 - INFO: Layer 'Default' found

22:10:30.312 - INFO: Layer 'System' found

22:10:30.312 - INFO: Layer 'Host' found

22:10:30.312 - INFO: Found value 'xscontroller/instances' = '0' in layer 'Default'

22:10:30.426 - INFO: Adding entry in '/etc/sudoers' that disables 'requiretty' for 'h4badm'...

22:10:30.432 - INFO: Adapting '/etc/sudoers'

22:10:30.432 - INFO: '/etc/sudoers' updated:

22:10:30.432 - INFO: added line: 'Defaults:h4badm !requiretty #HDB_XSA'

22:10:30.432 - INFO: Getting global.ini

22:10:30.432 - INFO: Reading global.ini

22:10:30.432 - INFO: Layer 'Default' found

22:10:30.439 - INFO: Layer 'System' found

22:10:30.439 - INFO: Layer 'Host' not found

22:10:30.440 - INFO: Found value 'persistence/basepath_xsa_appworkspace' = '/hana/shared/H4B/xs/app_working' in layer 'System'

22:10:30.440 - INFO: Creating XS Advanced Execution Agent data path '/hana/shared/H4B/xs/app_working'...

22:10:30.440 - INFO: Adjusting ownership of directory '/hana/shared/H4B/xs/app_working'...

22:10:30.440 - INFO: Registering additional host roles

22:10:30.441 - INFO: Switching to user id 1001 and group id 79.

22:10:30.441 - INFO: Starting external program /hana/shared/H4B/HDB95/exe/hdbnsutil

22:10:30.441 - INFO: Command line is: /hana/shared/H4B/HDB95/exe/hdbnsutil -addHostRoles --role=xs_worker

22:10:31.545 - INFO: Output line 1: treating iwf1118127 as new XS master

22:10:31.545 - INFO: Output line 2: altering daemon.ini of host iwf1118127 (located in /usr/sap/H4B/HDB95/iwf1118127/daemon.ini)

22:10:31.545 - INFO: Output line 3: activate xsuaaserver on host iwf1118127

22:10:31.626 - INFO: Output line 4: activate xscontroller on host iwf1118127

22:10:31.636 - INFO: Output line 5: activate xsexecagent on host iwf1118127

22:10:31.724 - INFO: Output line 6: done.

22:10:31.782 - INFO: Program terminated with exit code 0

22:10:31.782 - INFO: Switching back to root user.

error logs:

<MSG _NO="3773" _TYPE="Error" _ID="0" _COMP="Install" _TEXT="unhandled exception: Trying to load Net::HTTPS (distcompat)... Cannot load Net::HTTPS (distcompat): Can't load '/hana/shared/H4B/global/hdb/install/bin/instruntime/distcompat/' for module Net::SSLeay: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory at line 193. at sdbrun/ line 62. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at IO/Socket/ line 19. Can't locate Net/ in /hana/shared/H4B/global/hdb/install/bin/instruntime/distcompat /hana/shared/H4B/global/hdb/install/bin/instruntime/lcm_pm_ext.tgz (/hana/shared/H4B/global/hdb/install/bin/instruntime/distcompat /hana/shared/H4B/global/hdb/install/bin/instruntime/lcm_pm_ext.tgz contains: /hana/shared/H4B/global/hdb/install/bin/instruntime/distcompat, /hana/shared/H4B/global/hdb/install/bin/instruntime/lcm_pm_ext.tgz) at Net/ line 29 Trying to load Net::HTTPS... Cannot load Net::HTTPS: Can't load '/hana/shared/H4B/global/hdb/install/bin/instruntime/' for module Net::SSLeay: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory at line 193. at sdbrun/ line 62. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at IO/Socket/ line 19. Can't locate Net/ in /hana/shared/H4B/global/hdb/install/bin/instruntime/lcm_pm.tgz /hana/shared/H4B/global/hdb/install/bin/instruntime/lcm_pm_ext.tgz /hana/shared/H4B/global/hdb/install/bin/instruntime (/hana/shared/H4B/global/hdb/install/bin/instruntime/lcm_pm.tgz /hana/shared/H4B/global/hdb/install/bin/instruntime/lcm_pm_ext.tgz /hana/shared/H4B/global/hdb/install/bin/instruntime contains: /hana/shared/H4B/global/hdb/install/bin/instruntime/lcm_pm.tgz, /hana/shared/H4B/global/hdb/install/bin/instruntime/lcm_pm_ext.tgz, /hana/shared/H4B/global/hdb/install/bin/instruntime) at Net/ line 29

Accepted Solutions (0)

Answers (2)

Answers (2)

0 Kudos

Hi Manoj,

Could you please help with the URL of the post.

0 Kudos

Hi, please check SAP Note 2788495.


Manoj Somkuwar