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S4 account determination

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When migrating an entity to S4, the entity from R3 has the same account determination for several asset classes, but in S4 there are different accounts for each of these classes. This will be solved with a de-migration. 

But what will happen with the affiliated company which remains in R3 and S4 is only the closing system for this one? 

for this entity the several asset classes will continue to have 1 account determination, but a mapping is needed in S4 in order to have a common reporting on phl for the entity.

should these be mapped to a single account? Or how should it work?

#s4 #asset #accountdetermination

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Product and Topic Expert

If I understand correctly, in your case, where one entity is migrated to S4 and several asset classes from R3 are required to be linked to different specific accounts in S4, but another affiliated entity in R3 still uses the original account determination, it creates a tricky situation.

If your primary concern is to have a consolidated and common reporting in S4, then mapping multiple asset classes in R3 to a single account in S4 can be an option. However, this might dilute the information represented by those different asset classes.

Another option is to replicate the same account determination structure in S4 as in R3 for those specific asset classes, even though other asset classes have distinct accounts in S4. This ensures consistency and data integrity but might involve more work.

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