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Vendor Payments

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Hi Gurus,

In vendor master data, we configure more than one bank account for the vendor with multiply currencies. How do I make sure that whenever I have a USD payment, the payment is made to the vendor's USD account?



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Hi All,

I don't think you understand my question. I just want to rephrase it to be clear. How do I know which vendor bank account my company code is paying when doing an F110 payment run? I am aware you can check this via the vendor master data but if I had more than 1 bank account for the vendor. How do I know which vendor bank account was paid by my company code?



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1st of all your question is not clear you are coming to the point....

1. Its on depends  on the Bank raking order

2.based on your assigment in the vendor msater

3.Based on our assigment at vendor invoice level can check at edit proposal....

5.once post the document FB03 you check at check information deatails for respective payment document....

6. if you want to know more clear ...check in quality by testing



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Hi Josef,

In Vendor Master data, you can specify the Bank type (Field BnkT) in tab Payment transaction, where you maintain Bank data.

This field is free text.


Bank account 1 - Currency USD - Bank type USD1

Bank account 2 - Currency SGD - Bank type SGD1

When you post invoice, you should fill Bank type (field Part.Bank) in More data.

When you run F110, the system will pick bank account to be paid based on Partner Bank Type (besides configuration in FBZP)

You can check the result in Proposal log.


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Hi Julie,

Thanks for your response! I can't seem to see the vendor's bank account or bank type in the F110 proposal though. That is actually what I want to discover too, where the system says that the specific vendor bank was paid to.

I hope you can help where I can find this.



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Hi Josef

You can check the Payee's account number in display proposal and payment logs,

Below is the screenshot after the payment proposal. You need to check the Payee's account number in your case.

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Hi Josef,

In tcode F110, go to menu Edit > Proposal > Proposal list

Then, press Enter, you can see the bank information of Vendor in the right side of Header.

Sorry, I cannot attach screenshot here..


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You don't have the payee's account number displayed in your screenshot. So does mine.

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I checked both Proposal and Payment List but I do not see any vendor bank account number

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For That you need to check layout.... like go to setting click on line layout to display vendor bank account number at edit F110



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Suggest you take it thru to payments and see if the payment is based on Bank Type as suggested by Julie.

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Hi Rosef,

Can you share the screenshot?

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Hi Josef,

I have searched around and found that there is one guy met the same error to you, but it's not solved.

This is some related SAP notes:

RFZALI20: Bank control key not displayed


I think you should raise OSS to get solution from SAP.


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from here click on control+F8 and there the following layout

Hope it will helps


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Still does not come out

Former Member
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Hi Josef

My case is different, it is a inter company netting scenario were I don't need the bank account as I don't send file to bank in the example which I have given.

Please, check your scenario.


Nikhil Kothari

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1. Did you run the Print schedule?

2. did you tick the create payment medium option while run the F110?



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Hi Julie,

You're answer in another thread fixed my problem. Thanks! you are a lifesaver!

