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Hello Guru's,

My FBL3N balance and FAGLB03 are different. I discover that there are some documents that are not appearing in FAGLB03 but in FBL3N. I did a research were i was told to run the program RGURECGLFLEX. The said program actually update the balance in FAGLB03 which is now equal FBL3N but my FS10N now adding the two balances in  FAGLB03 & FBL3N as a total, if i double the FS10N balance the result will be the right balance expected in FAGLB03.


Please assist, i need to produce the Trial Balance.

Thank you

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By using RGURECFLFLEX you took upon yourself a certain risk, as this program is not supposed to be executed by a user. If you did it, you should have first checked the totals in your NewGL tables, fix this picture and compare it afterwards. This program is capable of creating doubles on total level... You will now experience difficulties, if you would take your problem to SAP support service.

Second thing, FS10N and FAGLB03 are supposed to call the same table and show equal results, unless you have defined in your system that FS10N is still reading tables of OLD (Classical G/L) GLT0 table. In this case, there is nothing unusual that these reports are not aligned.



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Thanks a lot guys but how can i make my FS10N not to read the old classical gl.

The genesis of problem is that i asked the ABAP guy to move all my transactions from 0L leading ledger to new leading ledger 2L, we succeeded but some transaction from 2011-2013 are not appearing in FAGLB03 report but available in FBL3N. So i ran that report to update. It is now giving double figure.

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These settings - reading from GLT0 - are either made in FAGL_ACTIVEC table or via FAGL_READ_GLT0_USER parameter in 'Own data'. For more details see note 1158830 - New G/L: Reading balances from GLT0 and is references.

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Take a look via SE(n) on Table GLT0 if this table contains balances up to date.

If balances are not up to date, hanlding balanes in GLT0 too was swichted off at migration to


Now on SAP nGL toatals for balances are stored in FAGLFLEXT tabel.

Anyway rise an OSS note as mentioned by

br erwin