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How to create delivery order after SO was created and before in storage ?

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The title is my question ? Is there any one know how to set ?

please, thanks first.

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now , when i create delivery order ,there is an error.

@5C\QError@ 10000062 10 An item with no delivery quantity is not permitted. Item will be deleted.

please give me some advice

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Dear Friend

There are a few checks

1.Put the sales order in change mode and select the line item and go to schedule lines and see whether you are getting schedule lines with cinfirmed dates

2. have you entered ordered qty for that material?

3.If there are no schedule lines for the item then it might be a text item and check in VOV7 whether the relevant for delivery is marked?

If these are correct and then in VL01N for the item whether the delivery qty is automatically copied?

If not copied means there is something missing in copy controls in VTLA

Check that



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I was going though the error which you got for this problem and would like you to check for the following points before trying to create a DELIVERY order.

1. Check the completeness of the Sales order and if uncompleted then complete it.

2. Please check in the SALES ORDER for confirmed quantity in the schedule line of the item.

3. Check the stock level of the material in the T-code "MMBE", If needed raise the stock in the t-code "MB1C" with movement type 561.

4. You should also check the item category.This should not be a text or service item cat.

Kindly let me know after checking these you can proceed or not ??? Awaiting your response.
