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Business Role Group assignment to Business User

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Dear SAP,

We created a Business Role Group and want to assign this to our users. How can we do this?

Thank you

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Dear SAP-Support,

what exactly is the purpose of those business role groups and business user groups then?
To be honest, if roles or role-groups cannot be assigned to user groups, it doesn't help organizing the area at all.

Plus: as far as I saw it, it is not possible to assign the same business-role to different business-groups. Well, there are apps and business roles that are used in more than just one department and that therefore it should be possible to assign them to more than one business-role-group...

I am looking forward to your comments,
Kind regards

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Dear Birgit,

This helps you to organize your area and easily search for all business roles of a certain category. Currently the application only supports one group per Business Role because the expected is that you divide your authorizations according to the departments. For example a Business Role for Extensibility would be in Extensibility Business Group because we expect you to create your extensibility authorizations separate from the others.

I would like to invite you to participate in the SAP Customer Influence initiative to submit this idea. There, you can submit improvement requests, explore existing ones, and vote on them. SAP will consider the most voted suggestions to be implemented in future releases. Please check 1515837 - How To: Enhancement Request Process using the Customer Influence and Adopt site

Best regards.

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comment moved to answer section