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Hi all,

I wrote some code recently using BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE to do some automatic Goods Issues to sales order line items movement type 231. Some users are running into runtime errors of 'MESSAGE_TYPE_X' with the error analysis stating the following:

Yes, it seems pretty obvious that they are missing likely change authorization for sales orders of type ZOR, but what has me confused is that they run into no authorization issues when doing the same goods issue from mb1a and (they claim) MIGO. Can anyone help me explain why this additional security is necessary for the BAPI?

Thanks much,


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Call transaction SU24 'Auth. Obj. Check Under Transactions' and input transaction/MB1A, then look at authorization-object V_BAK_AAT row, Column 'Check Ind' should display 'Do not Check' value. For MIGO it should show 'Check'.

(Some reference can be found in online documentation like Level 5: Document: Editing Authorization Default Data (Customer System)Editing Authorization Default Data (Customer System) in ABAP Authorization Concept)

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Thanks, this is the closest to what I was looking for. I'm aware they have different authorizations between them but was trying to understand the why behind it. I'm guessing MB1A and MIGO/BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE are set to check v_vbak_att by default and users have been getting around it for the goods issues using MB1A as that has always worked for them.