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Movement Type 301 within the same Company

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Dear Experts,

Would like to ask the following questions -

Q1) When executing Movement Type 301 to transfer goods from one Plant to another Plant, is it different for A/Cs’ posting if these two Plants are within the same Company Code and in different Company Codes ?

For the two Plants in different Company Codes, the posting is as below and the relevant Inteco. A/Cs were previously configured in OBYA –

However, if the two Plants are under the same Company Code, found the following error when executing MB1B. The difference is that another A/C 32601001 (RM CONSUMPTION) was triggered.

Q2) Could you advise whether it is a standard SAP logic ?

Q3) Could you also advise which transaction type of OBYC can be referenced ? Is it GBB or else ?

NOTE: The main problem is the above Q1-Q3, but NOT the above error.

Many Thanks,

KH Fong

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Any expert could help to advise our above questions ?


KH Fong

0 Kudos

Any expert could help to advise my above question in the "Comments" ?

Also would like to ask the following questions -

When checking "OMJJ - A/C Grouping", for Mvt Type 301, only found the Transaction Type GBB with A/C Grouping VBR was setup in there while the A/C 32601001 was also setup for this combination in OBYC as below -

Q4) However, I could not find Transaction Type BSX in the above setting "OMJJ - A/C Grouping - Mvt Type 301". Could you advise why the Transaction Type BSX can still be triggered when executing MB1B for this Mvt Type 301 ?

For the above setting page of "OMJJ - A/C Grouping - Mvt Type 301" -

Q5) How can we classify the "Val.strng - WA04", was it already classified in standard SAP system but could not be changed ?

Q6) What is the different between the above highlighted "Cn - 5" & "Cn - 16" ?

For the following setting page of "OMJJ - A/C Grouping - Mvt Type 101" -

Q7) Just found the following highlighted Transaction Type KBS is setup while we didn't set GL A/Cs for this Transaction Type. Like the above Q4, could you also advise why the Transaction Type BSX can still be triggered when executing MIGO for this Mvt Type 101 ?

Many Thanks,

KH Fong

0 Kudos

Dear Jagdeep Singh Choudhary,

Thanks for your advice. For your info. -

The two Plants are under the same Chart of A/C (Z***) & Valuation Grouping Code (0001); The Material under the two Plants is with the same Valuation Class (3000).

Under the Transaction Type BSX of OBYC as below, just found that the triggered A/C of the Valuation Class 3000 is 13801001, but the triggered A/C of the above error is 32601001 which should be the corresponding credit / debit entry. Could you advise which Transaction Type for this A/C 32601001 was triggered ? Is it GBB or else ?

If no Transaction Type was triggered, could you also advise how could this A/C 32601001 be triggered when executing the above transaction in MB1B ?

Many Thanks,

KH Fong

Active Contributor
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why don't you just use SE16 on table T030 to find where account 32601001 belongs to.

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Dear Jurgen,

Thanks for your advice.

After checking the table T030, found that the A/C 32601001 is really belong to Transaction Type GBB. Therefore, does it mean that this A/C's posting with the Transaction Type GBB is a standard SAP logic for executing the above action (Mvt Type 301 from one Plant to another Plant within the SAME Co. Code) ?

Many Thanks,

KH Fong

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Q1. When executing Movement Type 301 to transfer goods from one Plant to another Plant, is it different for A/Cs’ posting if these two Plants are within the same Company Code and in different Company Codes ?

Yes, if you using concept valuation grouping code. One plant can have valuation group code 0001 and other that you want to have different a/c can have 0002. You can different account in BSX key if you have different valuation group code assigned to plant

Q2) Could you advise whether it is a standard SAP logic ?

G/L account is determined based on transaction event --> Material Type-->Valuation class

When material is under same company code--your BSX account remains the same but valuation area is changing -- SAP kept this as in one material can split valuated or can different price control or valuation class...if you G/L is triggered this means both plant A and B have same valuation class -- BSX key will apprear in accounting document twice

For Cross company stock transfer key BUV is determined based configuration setting done

Financial Accounting > General Ledger Accounting > Business Transactions > Prepare Cross-Company Code Transactions (OBYA)

Q3- I think system should asking CO assignment-- please material have profit center entered in both plants ...Take some advice from FICO consultant on Q3 if issue still exists.