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[MM] executing MM17 with .xls as input file and in background

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it is clear to me the procedure to use an .xls to masschange material data in foreground

But what about when you have hundred thousands of Materials so that you would use the Background Option and then just wait for the job getting done in sm37?

Could you please tell me the correct procedure?

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Good day squizzy91

Please check the comments in that blog

It seems that "background execution" did not work

Please create an SAP Incident with the encountered error and maybe SAP Note 3063502 - How to run MM17 in background ... can be updated reg the outcome

Best Regards, Kishore

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Yes, you can run MM17 in the background and just monitor it in SM37

There's actually a note for it :

You just have to click on the change in background option after you transfer all of your information to the transaction, and then just monitor the session in SM37

Please close both your questions if your issue is solved.


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I have not tried it with half a million records ..but the only way to know is to actually try it out in one of your sandboxes and check

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

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is this way feasible also for 500.000 records?
My doubt is about the moment you transfer (by uploading an .xls) and display the data.

Am i wrong?