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How can i implement the drag and drop en Email or a File to a Grid or a Matrix using SDK?

0 Kudos

I was trying to implements something samiliar to the already existing function in SAP by draging and drop an Email as an Attachment.

Draging a droping a File (PDF ..) is not yet possible but I could need to save an Email as an attachment using the draging and droping function.

Any Ideas where to start?

Which events and how to get the Email from Outlook directly attached to my Attachment's Grid that i built in my own Form using SDK?

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Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Memo,

when using the SAP Mail Window, it is possible to add a line in the Attachements (complete Path of doc to add).

If you can manage it code you can add new lines.

I made it with coresuite customize

regards Lotahr