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Adjustment of tax rates without TDT

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Hello Community,

in 2024 the tax rates in Switzerland will change and we have to adjust the rates. From our implementation partner we have got the information that an adjustment of the rates only is possible by activating TDT. But we have an external frontend system and if we activate TDT we have to adjust our interface to the frontend system which would cause a massive expense.

So is there a possibility to adjust the tax rates without activating TDT?

Many Thanks!

Best Regards


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Dear Katrin,

If you need to change/create new tax codes, and if the TDT (Time-Dependent Tax) Solution is enabled for a country ( you can check this on the SAP Help Portal page: - for Switzerland: YES) than according the SAP standard rules TDT should be activated. And the tax code changes/creation should be done by the Customers themselves.

In extraordinary case, please contact your PM or CSM.

Best regards,
SAP Support

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Dear katrin_gaber,

if you’re not able to use Time Dependent Taxes (TDT) due to whatever reasons (for TDT details regarding the new CH VAT tax rates legal change please also see my comments in the other blog you of course have the possibility to add the additional needed tax codes on your own.

Regarding the tax code creation kindly refer to 3009061 - How to create tax code in S/4Hana Cloud for details, and don’t forget to adjust to change your tax box structure via SSCUI ID 103011 ‘Define Enhanced Tax Box Structure’ accordingly.

However, based on the tax codes we’ve provided in 2018 before TDT was available for Switzerland I’ve now quickly created a possible version of tax codes when not using TDT. Since our recommendation is to use TDT and hence we also only deliver tax related changes and the respective content for TDT only please keep in mind that the content shown in the attached screenshots is offered without warranty of completeness or correctness, this also since we never do know the exact custom tax code settings.

I hope this answers your queries, if not please kindly revert to me again at any time.

Thanks and best regards,
