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What is the use of cissubscription?

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Hi. I have to implement memberships(1 year,2years) as part of requirement. These memberships are products which will be sold to customer. Ours is B2C site built using Hybris 6.1. To implement this I came to know Hybris provides subscriptions module which has renewals/cancellations etc.
I added subscriptionfacades, subscriptionservices and sample data defined in it. When I placed an order I couldn't find any subscriptions for that user though i added subscriptionProduct to cart. When I checked in Help i found "cissubscription" is used for subscription management.
What cissubscription extension does? Do we necessarily need this in order to tie-up subscriptions with customer? If so how can I add it? Simply by adding its entry in localextension.xml or ant command to add an addon?

Former Member
Former Member
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Yes. But I couldn't understand it. :(

Former Member
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If your question is simply regarding how to add it, the answer is: add the cissubscription extension to your localextensions.xml file

What else do you want to know?

Former Member
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I want to setup subscriptions in B2C. In wiki they mentioned about cissubscriptions. Do we really need this to setup subscriptions in B2C?
What are all changes I am supposed to do in order to setup subscriptions?

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Active Contributor
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cissubscription along with Subscription billing gateway (SBG) are connectors to integrate the subscription module with a subscription billing provider/backend.

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@charles Am I supposed to make any code/configuration changes so that after placing an order subscription products are mapped to user?

Active Contributor
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The 'My subscriptions' is already a feature implemented as part of subscriptionstorefront. You can find this in the telco accelerator:

You will have to make changes to the b2c accelerator storefront to achieve the same functionality. Dig into the telco source code, thats the best way :)