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SAP C4C: The necessary communication arrangement scenario is missing!

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Hi, friends.

I'm trying to set-up integration between SAP C4C & SAP CPQ.

I've found the step-by-step guide SAP C4C Integration with SAP CPQ, but have a problem when trying to create communication arrangement on the SAP C4C side (step: 1.3.2.).

I can't see the "Sales Quote Replication from SAP Business Suite" in the scenario list, it's missing!

I'll be grateful for the useful feedback!

P.S: All the other steps till this moment I've done successfully!

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In our system we have following setting and with this we can see the respective comm scenario.

If even after this you dont see the scenario then pls contact SAP Support.

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Brilliant, saurabhkabra2009!

Thanks a lot for your usefull feedback!

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Thanks a lot. Communication arrangements can now be created. But now we ran into another issue. The pre packaged integration content in CPI for the quote replcation between commerce cloud and C4C only allows authentication method "BASIC" for the SOAP service from and to C4C. It is not changable. Our IT security wont allow this. It should be editable to be changed to client cert. Why does the standard integration doenst support this?

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I am not sure why only basic is supported in the standard integration flow. But in my opinion, if really needed then you can simply "Edit" the iflow(i know it has its own repercussion) and change the method from BASIC to "Client Certificate" in all the needed iflows.
