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OOTB cronjobLogCleanupCronjob does not remove logFiles

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Hello Hybris experts !

I'm facing an issue with the OOTB cronjobLogCleanupCronjob, which does not remove logfile. The issue only happens in higher environments so I cannot just use the debugger, and the logs are very few..

The issue is that after the job is successfuly run, the logfiles are not removed, even though the configuration says they should be.

Cronjob's logs configuration :

Cronjob's logFiles after I run cronjobLogCleanupCronjob :

As you can see, it should be just one Logfile kept, but we have lots.

Note : This issue does not reproduce on my local, only on higher environments.

What can be done in order to solve this issue ?

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Hi Alex,

For jobLog it's not there.

You can maintain one cronJob of type cleanUpLogsJobPerformable

Please refer the below article:

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I already followed instructions from the above article when I enabled the OOTB job. Still not working.