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How do you create email notifications based on the Visit Before Date (SAP C4C - Sales)?

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Scenario - Users log the recommended frequency by Account and visit with their respective accounts

Request - How do you create email notifications that are sent to the Account Owner 15 days prior to Visit Before Date?

  • This seems like it would be straightforward, however, the Visit Before Date is not an "Event" option (in Create a Workflow) under Business Object Visit or Account
  • If you create a custom field for Account (Custom Visit Before, Data Type Date), the Custom Field is unable to reference Visit Before Date.
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Indeed the field Visit Before Date is not available when creating a workflow, nor can it be found in data sources for reporting - as this could be an alternative - setting up a report for the sales.

What I would suggest is that you investigate the standard Visit Planner functionality in the menu option Visits, as it can really support sales reps in identifying those customers they are responsible for and need to be visited, based on the visit details registered in the account master data.
