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Is there a way to use offline pricing from external system?

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Hi there.

I have a simple requirement to implement: external pricing in offline mode (extended app).

I've read that is possible to use offline pricing in sales quote/order when you replicate it from ECC to C4C. In offline quotes, the price is shown in a column named "Estimated price". I don't know if I understood it right, but when you replicate prices from ECC the list price should appear in the "Product > Prices" workcenter, right? After that, I could sync this object and use it in offline.

Well, assuming I'm not using ECC and what I just said is true, is there a way to populate the same objects in C4C but from a third-party system? I think that the "Product > Prices" workcenter actually uses the same object as the "Product > Price Lists". Can I use a webservice to create a price list that appears in "Product > Prices"?

Do you have any other idea to achieve this?

Someone has a sample payload from this price replication from ECC to C4C to share?

Thanks in advance.


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I'm not using SAP ERP.

I've read that the workcenter "Product > Prices" can sync with ERP to get prices and then I can use them in offline mode, is it right?

Considering this, can I populate the "Product > Prices" workcenter in any way rather than getting from SAP ERP?


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Offline means the C4C App use data from the local (Mobile / Tablet) storage, so it does not matter how the price was populated and worked when the system was onlline. Another point when it is offline, there is no way to call webservice as there is no network / internet connection.



Former Member
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The idea is to populate the object and sync to use offline. Exactly as it's done with accounts, products and price (from ERP).

