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How to define the notify in process xml

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how to define a notify in process xml and do we need to provide any Java classes for this notify implementation.

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Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Mallikarjunarao!

The Notify node:

Use this node if there is need to inform a user group or a particular user of a state of a process.

You need to use the <notify...> </notify> elements if you would like to use this node. As an example, you can have something similar to:

 <notify id="notifyadmingroup"then="split">
   <userGroup name="admingroup"message="Perform action"/>
   <userGroup name="othergroup"message="other message"/>

In this example, after a member of the admingroup has committed a message, a message for othergroup is generated. After this message has also been committed the process is informed and the next node (in this example split) is executed.

This link should give some more information:

That should be sufficient if you would like to use this node in your business process.

Best regards,


0 Kudos

Hi Niko,

Thanks for the answer. How does the usergroup commit the message ?

Can I call a notify from action or wait or split node ? Can it delegate the next action as defined in "then" to an "action" or "wait" node as well ?

Do you have any practical example of notify node since I couldn't find any implementation of this in out-of-the-box accelerator code ?

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