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Create permission of child object

Former Member
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Hi! The case we are dealing with: We have an item type A which is extended from B. Now we have a user group UG. They have to be able to create type A items in the BO, but not type Bs. Therefor we restricted them in item type level to have the permission to create item type A, but not item type B. These items have their own defined place in the tree and are listed in our Backoffice, so they have their own listveiw section. In this section if we would like to create a new A or B item, there is the + sign for it. The problem is, that the UG doesn't even able to click on the + sign even if they have permission to create type A. What do we miss here?

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Active Contributor
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Hi ,

By default create action gets a type from pageable that was listed in Collection Browser and checks create permissions for this type. I would then expect that for if type A is listed, UG should be able to click on action. If you require for user to be able to create item of type A in list of type B, then unfortunately you would have to extend ootb Create Action and change com.hybris.cockpitng.actions.create.CreateAction#canPerform method.

Cheers, Jacek