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Cannot find checkout group 'b2bCheckoutGroup' for custom b2b storefront in 6.5

Former Member
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I created a custom b2b storefront and installed b2bacceleratoraddon separately for that storefront. Server startup is fine without issues. But when i try to checkout, its throwing an error "[AbstractCheckoutStepController] Cannot find checkout group 'b2bCheckoutGroup'"

What could be the issue? I tried reinstalling the addon. Tried with the below commands multiple times.

ant addoninstall -Daddonnames="b2bacceleratoraddon" -DaddonStorefront.yb2bacceleratorstorefront=""

ant addoninstall -Daddonnames="b2bacceleratoraddon" -DaddonStorefront.yacceleratorstorefront=""

Any inputs would be really helpful.

Thanks in advance, Shen

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Former Member
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Found the answer. The checkout flow group is mapped as a variable in multi-step-checkout-config.xml in the custom storefront. In my case i missed to map the group which created this issue.
