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Some customers report incident because they found there is R3AD* entry with status “STOP” in SMQ1 of ECC system.

Actually, these STOP entries are inserted correctly when the initial/request load starts for an object.

In this blog, I will explain the reason of this behavior.

The entry is to avoid delta changes to flow when initial/request load is happening. It is necessary to ensure the data inconsistency. If a request load is running, then it is possible that a delta queue containing newer changes to the same object is created before the request has finished processing. In such case, if this queue were to process immediately, the changes it contains would be over-written by the older, obsolete data contained in the request.

Once the initial/request loads are finishes, the STOP entries are deleted automatically on the ECC outbound queue. Thus, please do not delete them manually.

Sometimes, the customers report that the STOP entries are not removed even the initial/request load finishes.

If you encounter this, you can check for the entries in table SMOFDSTAT/SMOFRSTAT table with status “R (running)”. This is blocking the deletion of the STOP entries in SMQ1 of your ECC system. You could reset the status of these initial/request loads to status “D (done)” and then delete the STOP entries in SMQ1 of your ECC system. Afterwards, your delta flow can start again.

In some incidents, the customers also ask why during initial/request load for MATERIAL, the generic R3AD_* entry is added rather than the R3AD_MATERIA* entry which has different behavior with the loading for Customer or BP.

This is also correct. Normally, when you do initial/request load for Customer or BP, the R3AD entry containing the specific object is created, such as R3AD_CUSTOME* or R3AD_BUPA* as the following screenshot shows.

However, when load the materials, the generic R3AD_* entry is created rather than simply an R3AD_MATERIA* entry. The reason is that some other objects have dependencies relating to the MATERIAL. So during the initial/request load of MATERIAL, the download of all delta loads must be stopped to ensure data consistency.

Here is an approach which can change this behavior.

    1. Go to transaction SM30 in ECC system.
    2. Enter the table CRMQNAMES and select the Edit mode.
    3. Add entry MATERIA to the field CRMOBJPART in the following entry:

             Object Name:MATERIAL
             Name of BAPI structure:BAPIMATMRA
             Field of BAPI structure:COMPETITOR
    4. Save the change.

You could do the above settings as mentioned in note 966758, then there is R3AD_MATERIA* entry instead of R3AD_* entry during the initial/request load of MATERIAL.

Hope this blog can help you understand the behavior of R3AD* entries with "STOP" status :smile:

Active Participant
0 Kudos
Hi Julian,

Thanks for the explanation. I had this question for long jut got the answer.

Lovekush Singh
0 Kudos
Hello Julin,

Very useful document, thanks for sharing!