All bjacobsonog's Badges

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All bjacobsonog's Badges

bjacobsonog has earned 4 badges!
  • First Kudo Given
    First Kudo Given
    Earned by 139,546 members
    You gave your first kudo, thank you! What a great way to encourage good contributions from other members.
    • requirement one with enough text to wrap to the next line because we need to check alignment
    • requirement two with enough text to wrap to the next line because we need to check alignment
    • requirement three
  • Random Day Surprise - January 11, 2022
    Random Day Surprise - January 11, 2022
    Earned by 1,554 members

    Participated in SAP Community on Learn Your Name in Morse Code Day (January 11, 2022)

    You performed at least one of the following activities:

    • Post a blog post, comment, question, or an answer
    • Like any blog post or comment
    • Vote any question or answer up or down_
    • Follow any person, tag, blog post, or question
    • Update your profile picture, 'About me' text, expertise, spoken languages, or Elsewhere links
  • openSAP Learner
    openSAP Learner
    Earned by 59,826 members

    You enrolled in a course on openSAP, SAP's free open online course provider, to start your learning journey!

  • openSAP Novice
    openSAP Novice
    Earned by 26,766 members

    You explored new skills and successfully completed one openSAP course to earn your first Record of Achievement.