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When and why to run RBONRRP1



I am wondering about this report since a long time. I can see it is synchronizing the ONR00 and the related tables like ONROR. When you run the report in test mode you will get a list of the records to be synched - okay. But also in OSS there is a little information why this report needs to run. SAP recommends it after:

- short dump that is stating in error on the object number

- re-calculation commitments

- and more....

But we don't have errors in the system, we just have a veeery long list of records to be synchronized (spool has 25000+ pages). So to run such a report I would need to convince the business stake holders that no harm will be done to their records in the system, when we run the report. But how to proof that? OSS is not answering to such a question, they just point you to the fact, the tables should be in synch.

I can see the OBJNR is also used in Z-reports in our system, so I am also not sure by 100% what will happen.

Sharing of knowledge and experience is appreciated.

Thank you
