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Former Member
0 Kudos

hi all,

i have designed a program with three tabstrip, Fisrtly show an ALV report where I select a row giving double click and then show tabstrip to explore information, but when i back to return the alv report and choose other row giving double clic show the last tabstrip displayed. How can i refresh tabstrip control or there is another solution, please?

Thanks in advance.




Edited by: Alvaro Tejada Galindo on Dec 23, 2008 11:06 AM


Former Member
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could you please describe more on program flow ?


Aditya. V

Former Member
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hi all,

In my program i have defined the following tabstrips: General data, details and payments. When a execute program i am displaying an alv report then i give double clic on row to go to the tabstrips if the last tabstrib actived was details and i press the button back to return to ALV report and select another row the tabstrips displayed is details and it must be general data.

main_tab-activetab = i_main_tab-pressed_tab.

CASE i_main_tab-pressed_tab.

WHEN c_main_tab-tab1.

i_main_tab-subscreen = c_sub_dgr. "general data

WHEN c_main_tab-tab2.

i_main_tab-subscreen = c_sub_det. "Details

WHEN c_main_tab-tab3.

i_main_tab-subscreen = c_sub_val. "Payments


Thanks in advance.



Former Member
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How are you getting back from tab strip to you ALV output? Did you use your custom button in the tab strip ? If yes you can clear the internal table of the tabstrip you have used by capturing the function code. If you use standard back ( green arrow ) still you can clear the internal table that you have used to populate the tabstrip. I hope i have understood your problem.

Former Member
0 Kudos

clear the tab strip structure fileds before you populate evey time on the button click ...


AV .

0 Kudos

the problem is not with the structures that populate tabstrip rather is with the value in the variable main_tab-activetab = i_main_tab-pressed_tab. how caninitialize this value?.... constant is defined pressed_tab is define with VALUE c_main_tab-tab1(tabstrip'General Data) .

DATA: BEGIN OF i_main_tab,

subscreen LIKE sy-dynnr,

prog LIKE sy-repid VALUE 'ZFI_R0001',"Name of Program

pressed_tab LIKE sy-ucomm VALUE c_main_tab-tab1,"To identify the tab pressed

END OF i_main_tab.

0 Kudos


If that is the problem, why dont you use something like this.


Case FTAB.

When 'TAB1'.

tabstrip-activetab = 'TAB1'.

When 'TAB2'.

tabstrip-activetab = 'TAB2'.

When 'TAB3'.

tabstrip-activetab = 'TAB3'.


0 Kudos


In tabstrip you are reusing the subscreen area hence only one tabstrip can be active at a time a better way to use tabstrip tabs one by one would be something like this

when 'tab1'.

tabstrip-activetab = 'tab1'.

when 'tab2'.

tabstrip-activetab = 'tab2'.

when 'tab3'.

tabstrip-activetab = 'tab3'.

try to write in this format would be more easier


sumeet malhotra

Former Member
0 Kudos

Please check the data that is sent from ALV list. Once you come back from Tab Strip screen and double click on ALV Again, check the data that is selected.