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Smartform Window Text limit

0 Kudos

Question why my text in smartform is like this. auto break line after the word street1 ?
note the box is a border of the window

here is my code. i also tried to use concatenate but i got same result

i want a result like this


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

could post the smartforms object displaying the text ?

could you check the variable does not contains a line break?

0 Kudos

Hi , could you check the output variable names

0 Kudos

the only variable in my text editor

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

I suspect that if SAP tries to display the text on the right, it would override the right border, see this manual attempt by me to confirm what I suspect:

As this is not permitted, it flows over the next line:

0 Kudos

i tried to extend the width of the window but still got the same result

0 Kudos

if the character reach the border it should be like this the 4 will go to the nextline i don't know why after the street1 word all the nextword is going to new line

this gv_fulladdress variable is type string and the value length is below 200 characters.

0 Kudos

image from debugger

You word is too long to fit. To avoid to break the word, SAP is moving it to the next line.

Microsoft Word is behaving in the same way :

0 Kudos

Check your Smartforms Styles settings.

0 Kudos

bolivs22 The only and unique behavior of SAPscript and Smart Forms is to split the words at the space character. If you have very long words and want to split them, insert space character in the middle of the word. That's it.

0 Kudos

it is working fine if the text is manually entered. but if i use the variable the word is moving to next line