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Security upgrade with Enhancement pack 4 on ECC6

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Everyone,

Perhaps you already know SAP is prompoting upgrade via Enahncement packs

so we have upgraded ECC6 with Enhancement packs 4 and now that we have doen this , if you want to create a role in PFCG this prompts tp peform steps 2A to 2C in SU25

my question is

1.Did any one upgrade to EPH4 on ECC6

2.If you did , did you perform the steps ( 2A to 2C in SU25)

3.And also if you perform 2A and 2B , does this already write entires in PFCG ?

Any thoughts ?




0 Kudos

Hi Mark,

> 1.Did any one upgrade to EPH4 on ECC6

-->not me

> 2.If you did , did you perform the steps ( 2A to 2C in SU25)

--> 2A-C shall be executed after any SP implementation to get the changes from SAP into your tables/roles....

> 3.And also if you perform 2A and 2B , does this already write entires in PFCG ?


only 2C, but after you have run 2A,2B, youll get your authorizations updated in your roles the next time you use the merge-authroizations function in PFCG



Former Member
0 Kudos


Please note that I have not been involved in a situation where upgrades are being done via enhancement packs. However, I have run SU25 couple of times during my course of work.

If you are being prompted to run SU25 --> 2A-2C then there may be some changes to USOBT and USOBX which SAP would like you to consider.

As to how SU25 works, I would suggest you do a quick search of the forum / google and you should have several articles to help you. SAP ADM 940 is also a good source.

- Avinash

0 Kudos

Well Thanks to you all

Will discuss the option with our security manger and will run the necessary steps

Best Regards
