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Sales order screen

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Is it possible to bold or high light the Acct Assign field in the body of the sales order?  It is dimly lit and easy to overlook important info under that field.


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I didnt understand your requirement, you need to highlight the field of account assignment?

what are you trying to achieve by this? Please explain a little?. If you dont want to overlook this field, you can put it in Incompletion log which will make sure that you enter the field without which you cannot save



Former Member
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I can't seem to copy and paste my screen here.  Do you have an email I can send you a print screen to?

In our system under the Acct Assign Grp Mat field Standard or Special Tool shows up to indicate what type item is being ordered.  Standard or Special Tool shows up very dimly and we need to make it stand out more.  If the item is a Special we must manually do more things with the order once keyed.  Being bolded or highlighted will bring our attention to it more and it won't go unmissed.

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Post your question in ABAP development forum, wherein you can get some fast responses.


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This might not be exactly what you want but in standard there is incompletion log. You can put a warning if account assignment group material is empty, or else this field can be made mandatory without which sales order can not be created.

If it is special tools, then what needs to be input manually in the order?


0 Kudos

Not sure everyone is understanding my question.  On the sales order under the Acct Assign Field either Standard or Special pulls in when we key a part number.  Whatever pulls in is lit up very dimly and we can accidentally miss a Special.  Items that are Specials get handled differently after we key an order so we are trying to figure out a way to make that field stand out more.  Not sure why I can't put a print screen on here so you can more clearly understand.

0 Kudos

Save the screenshot and attach it via the "Insert Image" option please. CTRL+V will not work here.

0 Kudos


Your requirement is clear! In the same lines as Juwin, even if you highlight a field at item level, in billing tab which is not in the initial display screen user will not get the "intimation" from the system. Rather than highlighting with color, you might want to go for having a warning message at the bottom of the screen when Special item information is populated in field account assignment group.

Could you elaborate on what steps business wants to take, in case of special?


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Moved from SAP ERP Sales and Distribution (SAP SD) to ABAP Development

Former Member
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I guess the field name is VBKD-KTGRD.

Try setting SCREEN-INTENSIFIED = 1 in  userexit_field_modification exit in MV45AFZZ if it helps.

OR can even set COLOR ( From 1 to 6 ).


Active Contributor
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The highlighted field, will not be visible to the user unless he goes into that screen. And, if he doesn't already know that he has to fill in a field manually, why would someone go into Billing tab at item level? I think incompletion log (as mentioned by TW Typewriter) is the correct solution for this.

