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No data Selection in SAP query

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi all,

I am stuck in a problem. My seniors want a report on urgent basis, so i thaught to go for SAP query to fetch a report.

I have one selection option and rest output fields form 5 different table, linked through foreign/primary keys. I created a user group for the same and assigened my own user to that. Then created an infoset and inserted all the five tables. Ckecked the links and they were fine. Generated the same.

Finally in SQ01 created a query. gave the selection option as one field and out put 35 columns. Saved the query. when i try to excute the same through f8, it gives the error as 'No Data selected'.

please help, its very urgent. Is there something i missed as this is the first time i am using this. Also is there a way to transfer this to a report, so that when ever we call a report this query is executed.

Its very urgent.



Former Member
0 Kudos


Have you confrimed that the InfoSet will return data?

As a quick workaround, I would use QuickViewer (SQVI) to get your report created on the system they want to run it on. You can then give them the report name that QuickViwer genereated, and they can run this report until you are able to resolve your SAPQuery issue.

You might get an error when you try to access QuickViewer the first time. There is a OSS note out there to correct it.

QuickViewer is SAPQuery, but with less functionality for managing the reports.

Good Luck!

0 Kudos

Hi Bill,

Thanks for replying .

I tried to create the report through SQVI. But it is also giving me the same message 'No data selected'.

Where as at the table level i can see the data existing.

I am trying to fetch the data from 5 different tables. These 5 tables i have defined in SQ02. All the tables are linked to each other.

Is there a way to check if the infoset is returning the data or not. Or where the problem is, at defining the infoset(SQ02) or Query (SQ01).

Please reply soon.


0 Kudos


Take an example record you expect to show on the report.

Run transaction SE16 for each of the five tables you have linked and you will then be able to establish which table is causing no data to be found.



0 Kudos


I checked all tables in in SE16. I am getting all the data there. But when i call it through SAP Query, its not comming.

Is is necessary to get the data from one table, or one logical database only for SAP Query.

This is really strange, but it is not not displaying anything...


0 Kudos

Are the links of the tables defined correctly ?

0 Kudos


I checked the links in SQ02 several times. They are correct. I generated the infoset and checked them.

Is there any other way to define the output data based on selection criteria.

I just checked the checkbox in SQ03 for the data that i want as selection and rest as Out put fields.

Thanks for your help.

Please reply soon.


0 Kudos


I deleted the existing queries and Infoset and created a new one. in SQ01 when i select the fields for input and Output and press output to test, it says 'When executing a query on the selection screen, no data was found for the criteria you entered. Therefore, no list could be generated'. whereas i am entering that value in the selection field which i checked in the table. also if i dont give any inout, it should assume * and display whole list, but nothing is comming.


0 Kudos


I would join two of your tables together, then see if you get any data back. If this work, then join the 3rd, check to see if you get any data. Do this until you join your last last table. This should show you where your query is broken.


Message was edited by: Bill Faison

0 Kudos

Hi Bill,

It was a great help. I tried to link tables individually.

Till the addition of third table, i could get the data. But when i attach the last table, i get the message that 'no data selected'.

Then i tried joining just first and last table in the infoset. Now teh infoset just have two tables(Vbak, vbap). They are linked with P/F key. Still it is not returning any data.


what could be done.

0 Kudos

Since I do not know which tables you are joining together, I am not sure what is going on. I would suggest that you try resolving the join between the 3rd and 4th table, then work your way back up to the 1st table, making sure you are always getting data

BTW, I would check to make sure that keys you are joining to are the same.

For example, a document that has the number 0000000000000000123 might not join to doc that has the number 0000000123. This might the case of why your join is failing.