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In ALV list box

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

How to set the List box to the field in ALV Grid/List display.


Former Member
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Set layout's sel_mode.

See An Easy Reference for ALV Grid Control by S. Simsekler on this site.



0 Kudos

In the Out put i want for only a particular field drop down list, the user can choose the values from the list

suggest me some simple solution

0 Kudos

Please see program BCALV_EDIT_06. I think this is what you are looking for.


Rich Heilman

0 Kudos

If you don't have a newer version, then you won't have this program. I copied it out of my 6.40 engine into my 46c system and modified it, so that you don't have to create a screen. Just copy/paste the code in SE38. It will show you what you need to do. If you don't have any flight data in your system run program SAPBC_TOOLS_GENERATOR_NEW

report zrich_0003 .

* Purpose:
* ~~~~~~~~
* This example shows how to define a dropdown listbox for all cells
* of one column in an editable ALV Grid Control.
* To check program behavior
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* Klick on the dropdown button of column 'WUNIT'. It shows
* 'KG' and 'G' as suitable units for luggage weight.
* (The standard F4-Help shows many other units that does not
* make sense in this context).
* Essential steps (search for '§')
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* 1.Define a dropdown table and pass it to ALV.
* 2.Set status of column WUNIT to editable and set a dropdown handle.

data: ok_code like sy-ucomm,
      save_ok like sy-ucomm,
      g_container type scrfname value 'BCALV_GRID_DEMO_0100_CONT1',
      g_docking type ref to cl_gui_docking_container,
      g_grid  type ref to cl_gui_alv_grid,
      g_custom_container type ref to cl_gui_custom_container,
      gt_fieldcat type lvc_t_fcat,
      gs_layout type lvc_s_layo,
      g_max type i value 100.

data: gt_outtab type table of sbook.
data: repid type sy-repid.

parameters: p_check.

at selection-screen output.

  repid = sy-repid.

  create object g_docking
              exporting repid     = repid
                        dynnr     = sy-dynnr
                        side      = g_docking->dock_at_left
                        extension = 1700.

  if g_custom_container is initial.
    perform create_and_init_alv changing gt_outtab

*&      Form  BUILD_FIELDCAT
form build_fieldcat changing pt_fieldcat type lvc_t_fcat.

  data ls_fcat type lvc_s_fcat.

  call function 'LVC_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE'
            i_structure_name = 'SBOOK'
            ct_fieldcat      = pt_fieldcat.

  loop at pt_fieldcat into ls_fcat.
    if    ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'WUNIT'.

*§2.Set status of column WUNIT to editable and set a dropdown handle.
      ls_fcat-edit = 'X'.
      ls_fcat-drdn_hndl = '1'.
      ls_fcat-outputlen = 7.

* Field 'checktable' is set to avoid shortdumps that are caused
* by inconsistend data in check tables. You may comment this out
* when the test data of the flight model is consistent in your system.
      ls_fcat-checktable = '!'.        "do not check foreign keys

      modify pt_fieldcat from ls_fcat.

form create_and_init_alv changing pt_outtab like gt_outtab[]
                                  pt_fieldcat type lvc_t_fcat.

  data: lt_exclude type ui_functions,
        lt_f4 type lvc_t_f4 with header line.

  create object g_grid
         exporting i_parent = g_docking.

* Build fieldcat and set column WUNIT
* edit enabled. Assign a handle for the dropdown listbox.
  perform build_fieldcat changing pt_fieldcat.

* Optionally restrict generic functions to 'change only'.
*   (The user shall not be able to add new lines).
  perform exclude_tb_functions changing lt_exclude.

* Define a drop down table.
  perform set_drdn_table.

  select * from sbook into table pt_outtab up to g_max rows.
                                                       "#EC  ci_nowhere
  if sy-subrc ne 0.
* generate own entries if database table is empty
    perform generate_entries changing pt_outtab.

  call method g_grid->set_table_for_first_display
       exporting it_toolbar_excluding  = lt_exclude
       changing  it_fieldcatalog       = pt_fieldcat
                 it_outtab             = pt_outtab.

* Set editable cells to ready for input initially
  call method g_grid->set_ready_for_input
    i_ready_for_input = 1.

  clear lt_f4.
  lt_f4-fieldname = 'WUNIT'.
  lt_f4-register = 'X'.
  append lt_f4.


form exclude_tb_functions changing pt_exclude type ui_functions.
* Only allow to change data not to create new entries (exclude
* generic functions).

  data ls_exclude type ui_func.

  ls_exclude = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_loc_copy_row.
  append ls_exclude to pt_exclude.
  ls_exclude = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_loc_delete_row.
  append ls_exclude to pt_exclude.
  ls_exclude = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_loc_append_row.
  append ls_exclude to pt_exclude.
  ls_exclude = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_loc_insert_row.
  append ls_exclude to pt_exclude.
  ls_exclude = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_loc_move_row.
  append ls_exclude to pt_exclude.
  ls_exclude = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_loc_copy.
  append ls_exclude to pt_exclude.
  ls_exclude = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_loc_cut.
  append ls_exclude to pt_exclude.
  ls_exclude = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_loc_paste.
  append ls_exclude to pt_exclude.
  ls_exclude = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_loc_paste_new_row.
  append ls_exclude to pt_exclude.
  ls_exclude = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_loc_undo.
  append ls_exclude to pt_exclude.

*&      Form  set_drdn_table
form set_drdn_table.
*§1.Define a dropdown table and pass it to ALV.
*   One listbox is referenced by a handle, e.g., '1'.
*   For each entry that shall appear in this listbox
*   you have to append a line to the dropdown table
*   with handle '1'.
*   This handle can be assigned to several columns
*   of the output table using the field catalog.
  data: lt_dropdown type lvc_t_drop,
        ls_dropdown type lvc_s_drop.

* First listbox (handle '1').
  ls_dropdown-handle = '1'.
  ls_dropdown-value = 'KG'.
  append ls_dropdown to lt_dropdown.

  ls_dropdown-handle = '1'.
  ls_dropdown-value = 'G'.
  append ls_dropdown to lt_dropdown.

  call method g_grid->set_drop_down_table
            exporting it_drop_down = lt_dropdown.

*&      Form  generate_entries
form generate_entries changing pt_sbook type standard table.
* This form is only needed if database table sbook is empty.
* It generates some entries so that you may
* still try out this example program.
  data: ls_sbook type sbook,
        l_month(2) type c,
        l_day(2) type c,
        l_date(8) type c,
	l_prebookid type i.

  ls_sbook-carrid = 'LH'.
  ls_sbook-connid = '0400'.
  ls_sbook-forcurkey = 'DEM'.
  ls_sbook-loccurkey = 'USD'.
  ls_sbook-custtype = 'B'.

  do 110 times.
    l_prebookid = sy-index.

    ls_sbook-forcuram = sy-index * 10.
    ls_sbook-loccuram = ls_sbook-loccuram * 2.
    ls_sbook-customid = sy-index.
    ls_sbook-counter = 18.
    ls_sbook-agencynum = 11.

    l_month = sy-index / 10 + 1.
    do 2 times.
      l_day = 3 + l_month + sy-index * 2.
      l_date+0(4) = '2000'.
      l_date+4(2) = l_month.
      l_date+6(2) = l_day.
      ls_sbook-fldate = l_date.
      subtract 3 from l_day.
      ls_sbook-order_date+0(6) = l_date+0(6).
      ls_sbook-order_date+6(2) = l_day.
      ls_sbook-bookid = l_prebookid * 2 + sy-index.
      if sy-index eq 1.
        ls_sbook-smoker = 'X'.
        ls_sbook-smoker = space.

      ls_sbook-luggweight = l_prebookid * 10.
      if ls_sbook-luggweight ge 1000.
        ls_sbook-wunit = 'G'.
        ls_sbook-class = 'C'.
        ls_sbook-wunit = 'KG'.
        ls_sbook-class = 'Y'.

      if ls_sbook-bookid > 40 and ls_sbook-wunit eq 'KG'.
        ls_sbook-invoice = 'X'.
      if ls_sbook-bookid eq 2.
        ls_sbook-cancelled = 'X'.
        ls_sbook-class = 'F'.

      append ls_sbook to pt_sbook.

Please make sure to award points for helpful answers and mark your post as solved when you problem is solved. THanks.


Rich Heilman