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How to export repository to file system?

Former Member
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within my bachelor thesis I am engaged in parsing ABAP Objects to calculate different code metrics. The analysis tool and many of the known parser-apis do require source-files at the file system layer.

As SAP stores everything in a DB, I wonder if there is a way to export the repository to the file system. And if this is not possible, is there another practicable way to access the source code?

Another point is: Does anyone know a source for a complete grammar (like ebnf or so) for ABAP Objects? that could make my life quite a lot easier...


- clemens heppner


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hello Clemens

You may write a small ABAP report employing class CL_OO_SOURCE. If you create an instance of this class using any class name as input the public instance attribute SOURCE contains the entire coding which you could download (-> CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES=>GUI_DOWNLOAD).



0 Kudos

Thanks for your advice! I've written this report:


  DATA: source TYPE REF TO cl_oo_source,
        source_tab TYPE seop_source_string,
        classname TYPE seoclskey VALUE 'CL_OO_SOURCE'.
  CREATE OBJECT source EXPORTING clskey = classname.

* Copy source->SOURCE table because gui_download( ) needs a changeable
* argument and source->source is read-only.
  source_tab = source->source.

  cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_download( EXPORTING filename =
'c:\' CHANGING data_tab = source_tab ).

But that approach has some serious drawbacks:

  • I have to save each class one by one (is there a way to automate that? P.e. find all classes in one package?)

  • I can not access the code of reports and such because cl_oo_source requires a classname.

Is there another way or an extension to this one, to solve those problems?


- clemens