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hi experts in bdc

Former Member
0 Kudos

hi experts in bdc we r uploading the data using tablecontol to display item details. the space is there to upload for 15 recods only , but i want to upload 17 records what happend in this time . explain to me clearly


Former Member
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In General while we updating the records in table contrl we can click on the scrool bar but while doing BDC we have to enable that scrool bar py passing the function code (=p+) .Then the table control will ready to take more entries after 15th.

Reward if helpful.........



Former Member
0 Kudos


In the screen display you might see only 15 entries, but the TBC can accomodate more entries than that, you will be having a button at the bottom to go to the next screen, click that button once you reach the 15 entries.

While entering the values into the TBC you are going to give field name and with in bracket you are going to give the row number, if that is the case then you need not even click the above mentioned button as well.



Former Member
0 Kudos


In General while we updating the records in table contrl we can click on the scrool bar but while doing BDC we have to enable that scrool bar py passing the function code (=p+) .Then the table control will ready to take more entries after 15th.

Reward if helpful.........


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Sri Vasu,

When you are trying to populate table control you have to check the default size in your recording.....

If the default size is 15 ( In your case) and you want to insert 17 rows... you logic will work fine with 15 records but 16th and 17th records are not inserted... To achieve that you need to go with some logic like

loop at itab.

if <counter> > 15.

pass '=P+' code to bdc_code

and also reset the counter to 2. (the one which is used in concatenation)



'=P+ ' is the function code for page down.... and when you press pagedown... all the 14 records are hidden and 15th record appears in the first row.... so your next entry starts from 2nd row....

hope this is helpful

