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Error when Copying and Changing Area Menu S000

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Guys,

I have copied the area menu S000 to Z000 and I have been able to add my own menus there. However, there are some unnecesary menus on that area menu and I am trying to remove them. I have been able to remove the children of these menus, but am not able to remove the roots. Whenever I try to remove them, it gives the error:

"Delete only nodes with enhancement ID '' (node ID:'CAMPUS')", for example.

The menu items are:

Student Lifecycle Management,Hospital, Clinical System, Insurance, Telecommunications, and Utilities Industry.

Also, the added menus are put at the top of the area menu, is there a way of putting them at the bottom?



Former Member
0 Kudos

are you trying to delete System or Help menu?

0 Kudos

Hi Nagarjuna,

I am trying to delete nodes that I have mentioned above from my custom Area Menu Z000, which I copied from the standard Area Menu S000. I get the error message I have mentioned above when I try to delete these nodes. I am not sure if I have responded correctly to your question.


0 Kudos

when the area menu is changed, it will ask for transport number. The same transport has to be updated in the first screen of Se43 trasaction. There is a button 'Area menu transport' (red coloured van like symbol), there this transport has to be updated. Otherwise, only the changes will not be done properly.

Hope it helps

0 Kudos


Thanks for your fast response.

I have updated the transport request as you have said, but I still get the same error message, and I cannot delete the root nodes above. Please assist.


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HI - I too have the same / similar problem. I have copied S000 to Z000 ... but now if I set Z000 as default menu then it shows Hospital and Campus Management etc. But these dont show when using S000.

I either need to prevent them showing (in the same way as they dont show in S000) or delete them from Z000 but deleting them is also a problem for me becuase of the error message described above "Delete only nodes with enhancement ID"

Any ideas appreciated


0 Kudos

I think the error occurs since the system is not able to find the enhancement ID under which the changes were made.

In my case, I created the missing enhancement ID (shown in the error message). After creating it, under the extend option, I selected the enh. ID, after which it let me delete the node.

0 Kudos

Could you please explain how to do it? I need to change folder name in default SAP menu.

Folder Advanced Planning in Logistic folder