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Error messages from Error Log using using CJ40 transcation

0 Kudos

Hi All,

when i was doing call transcation for CJ40 transcation. on the screen while check syntactical error check there were some errors below.

Total plan value less than cumulative plan value

- l2: 2,900.00 < 8,900.00 (AUD)

- l3: 2,900.00 < 8,900.00 (AUD)

The Call transaction on CJ40 results in a generic error message in the error table.

Errors found --> Access the error log

Need a way to retrieve the error message from the Error Log,


Nelson Karunakar


0 Kudos

Hi Nelson Karunakar,

When we are loading cost plan for particular project which contains multiple WBS elements,

First we need to enter the cost plant for LEVEL 1 WBS element ( which is nothing but same name as parent project) and save then only we can enter the cost plant for remaining WBS elements for that particulr Parent project.

If you load the cost plan for LEVEL 1 WBS Elemts first and save it an then enter the values for remaining WBS elements you never get that error message again.

