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dump when 'execute and print' in 4.6C environment

Former Member
0 Kudos


gettting dump when 'Execute and print' in the selection after givind input values.

I have used Reuse*GRID_display function module.I observed that all the programs giving dump using this function module.

any suggestions?

the dump:

>> Short dump has not been completely stored. It is too big.

Exception condition "ERROR" raised.

What happened?

The current ABAP/4 program encountered an unexpected


What can you do?

Note the actions and input that caused the error.

Inform your SAP system administrator.

You can print out this message by choosing "Print". Transaction ST22

allows you to display and manage termination messages, including keeping

them beyond their normal deletion date.

Error analysis

A RAISE statement in the program "CL_GUI_ALV_GRID_BASE==========CP " raised the


condition "ERROR".

Since the exception was not intercepted by a superior program

in the hierarchy, processing was terminated.

Short description of exception condition:

For detailed documentation of the exception condition, use

Transaction SE37 (Function Library). You can take the called

function module from the display of active calls.


How to correct the error

If the error occurred in a non-modified SAP program, you may be

able to find a solution in the SAP note system.

If you have access to the note system yourself, use the following

search criteria:


"CL_GUI_ALV_GRID_BASE==========CP " or "CL_GUI_ALV_GRID_BASE==========CM00X "






If you cannot solve the problem yourself, please send the

following documents to SAP:

1. A hard copy print describing the problem.

To obtain this, select the "Print" function on the current screen.


2. A suitable hardcopy prinout of the system log.

To obtain this, call the system log with Transaction SM21

and select the "Print" function to print out the relevant


3. If the programs are your own programs or modified SAP programs,

supply the source code.

To do this, you can either use the "PRINT" command in the editor or

print the programs using the report RSINCL00.

4. Details regarding the conditions under which the error occurred

or which actions and input led to the error.


Former Member
0 Kudos


I think you have to handle the exceptions returned by the REUSE function module.

After the function module, do this..

If sy-subrc <> 0.

<handle this by popping a message>


Hope this helps