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difference between dialog programming and module pool programming

Former Member

hi all,

pls tell me what is difference between dialog programming and module pool programming .

thanks and regards

vikas saini


Former Member


Modulepool program is nothing but collection of modules and dialogue programming is nothing but creating screens using module pool programming.

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Hello Vikas There is nothing difference between Dialog Programming and Modulepool Programming.

But there are some differences between Report programming and Modulepool programming;

Here is that difference

Report Programs:

1. Reports are stand alone programs.

2. We use reports to read data base tables & represent results in Lists

3. Reports are collection of processing blocks, controlled by System calls depending on events.

4. Reports can use LDBs or SELECT STATEMENTS

defined by DEVELOPER.

5.Reports can call Dialogue programs and vice versa.

Dialog Programming

1.Dialogue programs are not stand alone programs. (we

have to link the dialogue programs to at least one or


2. We use Dialogue Programs to read & change

Database tables.

3.Dialogue programs are controlled by Screen flow logic.

4.Dialogue program is also called as Module pool program


5.These module pools are separated in to PBO and PAI


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Sasidhar Reddy Matli.

Former Member

hi vikas,

both are same only. but there is a difference between dialog programming and report programming.

Report programs follow a relatively simple programming model whereby a user optionally enters a set of parameters (e.g. a selection over a subset of data) and the program then uses the input parameters to produce a report in the form of an interactive list. The output from the report program is interactive because it is not a passive display; instead it enables the user, through ABAP language constructs, to obtain a more detailed view on specific data records via drill-down functions, or to invoke further processing through menu commands, for instance to sort the data in a different way or to filter the data according to selection criteria. This method of presenting reports has great advantages for users who must deal with large quantities of information and must also have the ability to examine this information in highly flexible ways, without being constrained by the rigid formatting or unmanageable size of "listing-like" reports. The ease with which such interactive reports can be developed is one of the most striking features of the ABAP language.

The term "report" is somewhat misleading in the sense that it is also possible to create report programs that modify the data in the underlying database instead of simply reading it.

Dialog-driven programs, or any program started using a transaction code, are known as SAP transactions, or just transactions. The term "transaction" is used in several different contexts in the IT world. In OLTP (Online Transaction Processing), where several users are working in one system in dialog mode, the term "transaction" stands for a user request. In conjunction with database updates, it means a change in state in the database.

Programs with type M can only be started using a transaction code, in which an initial screen is defined. Programs with type 1 can be started either using a transaction code, or by entering the program name in one of the transactions SE38 or SA38. Screens call dialog modules in the associated ABAP program from their flow logic. Type M programs serve principally as containers for dialog modules, and are therefore known as module pools. Type 1 programs, or function modules can also switch to dialog mode by calling screens using the CALL SCREEN statement. The program code of the corresponding executable program or function pool must then contain the corresponding dialog modules.

Programs that are partially or wholly dialog-driven cannot be executed in the background. They are therefore sometimes referred to as dialog programs.



Edited by: nishu jain on Jan 24, 2008 11:40 AM

Former Member


dialog programming and module pool programming both are same

Active Participant

Module pool programs are also called dialog programs.

The module Pool are reports prepared for different screens and to manage the sequence of events of these screens, in the transaction SE80 you can see all the dynpros that you have for this kind of report, add new ones, add all types of element to the report.


Former Member




This is a classical programming method that is based on dynpros and dialog transactions


Module pool programs are created in abap development work bench (TCODE: SE80).

Here we can do all the works whatever you can do in abap.

Module pool programs are also called dialog programs.

The module Pool are reports prepared for different screens and to manage the sequence of events of these screens, in the transaction SE80 you can see all the dynpros that you have for this kind of report, add new ones, add all types of element to the report.

Process Before Output is the part of the dynpro code that is processed before the user can do anything with the data in the screen

Process After Input is the part of the dynpro code that is processed after the interaction with the user.

