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Difference between DART and Data Archiving

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi all !

Could you tell me please what is the difference between DART and Data Archiving ... because i've been reading some information and it seems they are the same thing ...

Can i use DART with only custom tables ?? We have a custom application with its Z Tables ... and we want to know if we can use DART to extract data and move to other files ...

Thanks in advance! 😃

Edited by: Dev Levano on Jun 3, 2008 2:27 PM


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

here's what I know (not much):

DART has been designed to fulfil legal requirements by extracting data into sequential files for later retrieval and inspection by auditors. You can build your own extractors for Z-tables. Data is not being deleted from the database.

Data Archiving has the more technical aspect to free some space on the database for better system performance by also extracting the data into external files but then deleting it afterwards from the database.



0 Kudos

Thanks for your answer!

So let me know if i got it right ...

when DART generates this flat file ... if i delete this file ... data is still in the R/3 database ??

How can i use DART with only Z Tables ?? have any example or documentation ??


0 Kudos

> when DART generates this flat file ... if i delete this file ... data is still in the R/3 database ??


> How can i use DART with only Z Tables ?? have any example or documentation ??

have a look at the mighty [SAP online documentation|].

0 Kudos


Have you do this before ? I mean with a custom application ? 'Cause i can't anything else that gives me a clue about it .. well besides tha link you gave me.

All the information i find is about standards objects ..


0 Kudos

I have extended existing structures with customer fields, but not created entirely new extractions yet.

The SAP documentation should give you all the info you need.



0 Kudos

yeah ..

i have found information about extending structures .. but all custom structures .. nothing ..

please if anyone knows about using DART with ONLY custom tables let me know .. since i have to decide wheter using DART or staying with Data Archiving

Thanks a lot

0 Kudos


Here is some additional information on this topic as DART and Data Archiving have completely different functions. So, it really depends on what your actual requirements are in order to fully answer your question(s).

DART is used to extract tax relevant data needed for potentional audits like from the IRS. It is mainly used in the "America's" (North and South) but has been expanded in the later release to be used for German tax regulations as well.

It writes this data to a flat file that can be stored in a content repository until it has met its retention requirements.

The data written out in the DART extracts is not deleted from the SAP database.

SAP Data Archiving is used to remove data from the database that is no longer needed for day to day operations, but it is still needed for legal and/or business reasons.

For custom tables (Z tables), you would either need to create your own archive object (you can use the SAP supplied archive object EXAMPLE, as an "example"), or, use a 3rd party product such as PBS to build a custom object.

So, it depends on if you are looking for a way to capture audit related data or a method of removing data from your SAP system on whether or not you would use DART or data archiving.

I hope this information helps.

Best Regards,

Karin Tillotson

0 Kudos

Hi Dev,

As Karin has already suggested below, Data retention tool can be used to Extract the SAP data . The data extracted will be in the form of flat files. When you extract data thru DART, the data will NOT be deleted from the SAP data base.

The extracted dart files can be made tamper proof by verifying the FI-control totals and also by verifying the data check sums. This will help you to preserve the integrity of the dart files.

If you want to extract data from custom tables by the use of DART, you should use the t.code-FTWP. In this t.code, there is a tab called "Other Data" . Here you should select "Extract customer defined data sources" in order to extract data from custom tables.

Dev, Please remember that dart is one of the most efficient ways to extract data and simultaneously preserve its integrity.

Hope, i have answered to your question.

0 Kudos

Hi Spike,

Are you able to define a format that the DART outputs to for example CSV or XML?
