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Debugger in Eclipse keeps opened sessions on Resume (F8)

0 Kudos

Hi everybody!

I have following issue in Eclipse: I set a breakpoint to debug my program. Program is executed up to the breakpoint and correctly stopped in Debugger. There I hit F8 (resume) and program continues, but the debug "session" (it is shown as thread) stays. The next time the breakpoint is hit, new session is created.

After this happens 4 times, debugger won't stop with message: Debugging is no more possible for the session, because the maximum allowed amout of System connection has been exceeded.

As a workaround I can manually stop previous opened "sessions", but this is really annoying. And these closed connections keep hanging in SM04 as RFC connections.

Anyone has the same problem? How can I solve it?

I'm running ABAP in Eclipse 2.41.1 on Kepler, SAP 731 SP 8

Thank you in advance,

have a nice day!



0 Kudos

Hi everybody,

I get the same issue if I debug a netweaver gateway service and have no idea how to solve it.

- Version: Luna Service Release 2 (4.4.2)

- SAP 740 SP9

Hope to hearing from you soon.

Reinhold Berger

0 Kudos


I found out (and this works also on our 740 System), that if the HTTP Handler is set to statefull:

server->set_session_stateful( stateful = if_http_server=>co_enabled ).

(in the method if_http_extension~handle_request)

than it will close the debug session correctly.

I find this rather strange, I would expect, that if it is not statefull, that it should be closed automatically (no further calls expected) and if it is statefull, it should stay opened, but the next time breakpoint is hit, it should come to the same session.

What do you guys - Eclipse Debugger programmers think?

Ondrej Seman

0 Kudos

Hi Ondrej,

thanks for your contributions here, it points to a problem that is most likely a (kernel) bug.

Currently we are still investigating, but this is what I can say right now:

There is a problem under certain circumstances, where the debugger process does not terminate, when the debuggee is closed. In the SAPGui case, you can reproduce it as follows:

- create a report with two simple lines:


  write ‘test‘.

- execute the report and press F8 in the debugger

- when looking at the list output, close the embedded SAPGui window

As a result the debugger is still open, but it should be closed.

We suspect that this could also be the reason for the problem with HTTP requests.

But why is the debugger closed successfully in case of a stateful HTTP request?

The answer is pretty simple:

In stateful requests there is an explicit termination of the debugger at the HTTP response (just in order to save some resources).

And while this explicit termination seems to be working fine, the "implicit" termination of the debugger when the debuggee is closed, currently does not.

Regards, Christoph Stoeck

0 Kudos


Are there any news on opened debugging sessions?

Is there a way, how can I at least set the amount of sessions from 4 to say 8 or 16? This would already be also helpfull.

Have a nice day!

Ondrej Seman

0 Kudos

Hi Ondrej,

issue should be solved in the meanwhilein all relevant kernel releases (please refer to note 2099670).

For the 742 kernel it's PL 315. Which kernel/PL do you using?

Regards, Christoph

0 Kudos

Hi Christoph,

we are using Kernel 7.21 PL 300.



0 Kudos

Hi Ondrej,

for the 721 kernel you need PL 410 .

Regards, Christoph

0 Kudos

Hi Christoph,

our Kernel was updated to PL 600 and it works now perfectly. No more hanging Debug threads!

