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Creating file in App Server direct from XML object

Former Member
0 Kudos


I am looking for help to create a XML file directly from XML object that has already been populated with the data. Currently, I am facing a difficulty creating the file directly in app server as the XML class CL_XML_DOCUMENT's method export_to_file is only able to create localised file but not in app server. I have already check that I have write access to the app server.

Does anyone knows any functions that I can use to create the XML file in the app server directly without creating a localised file?

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Appreciate the help. Thanks.



Former Member
0 Kudos

hi Lawrence,

please try with these fms.



<b><i>Reward points if useful</i></b>

0 Kudos

Hi Chandra,

Can you provide a bit more info on how can i use the UA_UPLOAD_XMLFILE?

The other fm cannot be used as it points to local file location...

Below is a segment of my codes

data: o_xml TYPE REF TO cl_xml_document.



l_root_element = o_xml->create_simple_element( name = 'broadcast' ).

l_subroot_element = o_xml->create_simple_element( parent = l_root_element name = 'setpersinfo' ).

g_date = '123456789012345'.


CALL METHOD o_xml->create_simple_element( parent = l_subroot_element name = 'brdcast_id' value = g_date ).

CALL METHOD o_xml->create_simple_element( parent = l_subroot_element name = 'cnt_nric' value = g_tot_rec ).

CALL METHOD o_xml->insert_document_as_child( node = l_root_element document = d_xml ).


After the code above, how do I proceed to create the file in the app server, given just the above XML object and filepath: /INTERFACE/ABC/test.xml