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can we use for all entries along with case statement in new open sql 7.4

0 Kudos

Hello Everyone,

When I tried to use case ..endcase and for all entries it throws an error saying " The addition or variable with ID "xxx" is not allowed in conjunction with FOR ALL ENTRIES." i want to develop this using new open sql 7.4 syntax.

sample code :

select counter,

case when raufnr = ' ' then

case when rnplnr = ' ' then ' ' else rnplnr end


END AS proj_number

FROM catsdb
INTO TABLE @lt_cats
FOR ALL ENTRIES IN @lt_refcounters
WHERE counter = @lt_refcounters-refcounter.

can some body let me know what the issue is.Thanks...


Active Contributor
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I don't understand why the error message is about "xxx" as it does not appear in your Open SQL statement

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

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Hi All,

Looks like when for all entries used you can't perform any operations on fields of select query. I got same error " The addition or variable with ID "%_#D711" is not allowed in conjunction with FOR ALL ENTRIES."

sample code

select ( netwr * -1) as neg_netwr

from vbap

into corresponding fields of table lt_vbap

for all entries in @lt_vbak

where vbeln = @lt_vbak-vbeln

Precisely, when for all entries used, we can't perform any operations on fields of query. Is my statement valid?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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See the documentation for ALL ENTRIES mentioned above. There is a list with all restrictions.