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Can (enhanced) cluster table be adjusted?

Former Member
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*Would you please take another look at this post and offer any helpful suggestions?

Thanks again.


Few months ago we added couple of fields using append structure to a cluster table structure. Prior to appending we had checked the structure was enhanceable; and there already was a SAP provided append structure. Things were working well.

During this recent upgrade, SAP has added (inserted) few more fields to their append structure.

Now our transactions that had previously worked alright are abending with IMPORT_MISMATCH_ERROR.

We thought cluster table structures were appendable since 4.70 (we are on HR 604/BASIS 70); and IMPORT syntax with ACCEPTING PADDING, TRUNCATION etc would take care of customer enhancements.

Were we wrong in our assumption? Can clusters be enhanced? Would you suggest a way to get around this issue.

Thank you.

Edited by: Fred Myer on Sep 29, 2010 4:52 PM


0 Kudos


Actually it is not recommended change Cluster tables structure, however is possible to enahcen them using APPEND structures to include new fields.

However is important to keep in mind that it can trigger a conversion process that may take a long time depending on the table size.

Kind regards

0 Kudos

Dear Carlos,

Thank you very much. Yes, we did enhance using APPEND structures, and still it hasn't gone well with the recent support packs. Is there any database utility (like SE14) that will adjust all the cluster data?

Thanks again.

0 Kudos


AS a rule is not possible to adjust the Table cluster (BSEG, KAPOL etc) however you can use transaction SE11 and activate the objects to check if there are inconsistencies between database definition and abap definition. If yes it will convert the object properly.

Kind regards