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Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello ,

I am trying to use the bapi : BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE for creating a material document for a Goods Movement 501 which is categorized as other goods receipt.

Please can anyone tell me how can i use this bapi to post the characteristics of the material also.

For ex. if my material is Leather i want to add characteristics color, purity, other contents etc. This characteristics are maintained by the user and i use MB1C for goods recipts.

Please reply soon.




Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Swanand:

This is an example of how i implemented:



input = matnr


output = matnr.

MOVE: sy-datum TO it_head-pstng_date, "F.contab. doc.

sy-datum TO it_head-doc_date, "F.doc. en documento

sy-uname TO it_head-pr_uname. "Nombre de usuario

CONCATENATE 'Procesado en el Turno #:' turno INTO

it_head-header_txt SEPARATED BY space. "Tex.cabec. documento

MOVE: '05' TO it_code-gm_code, "Asig.cóía

matnr TO it_item-material, "Material

werks TO it_item-plant, "Centro

lgort TO it_item-stge_loc, "Almacen

cant TO it_item-entry_qnt, "

'521' TO it_item-move_type, "

' ' TO it_item-stck_type. "Tipo stock

APPEND it_item.

CLEAR it_item.

  • Bapi que realiza la salida o entrada al almacen



goodsmvt_header = it_head

goodsmvt_code = it_code


goodsmvt_headret = it_headr

materialdocument = mat_doc

matdocumentyear = doc_year


goodsmvt_item = it_item

return = it_bapir.

0 Kudos

hello ,

I know how to use the FM : BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE. but i need to know how to save the characteristics of the material as stored in the table AUSP using this bapi. or is there any other bapi for that.



0 Kudos

I'm not sure which classication object type you are working with. However I have done this before with Class Type 022 (Batch Classification). Before I load the inventory with BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE, I create the batches and then create the classification values using BAPI_OBJCL_CREATE_KEY. This is a generic BAPI for working with Classification and not specific to any one class type. This might help you with what you are doing. The following is a little code sample. I first have to lookup what class is attached to my material for class type 022 (I have two different possible classes). I then create my Key for the classification object. I can then fill my characteristics/values and write them into the classification.

method keps_create_batch_class.

  types: begin of t_batch,
           pack_id type zzem_matdoc_label_serial,
           matnr   type matnr,
           batch   type charg_d,
           l_batch type zzem_legacy_batch_or_date_code,
           mfrpn   type mfrpn,
           lifnr   type lifnr,
          end of t_batch.

  data: ibatch type table of t_batch.
  field-symbols: <wa_batch> like line of ibatch.

  select pack_id matnr batch l_batch mfrpn lifnr from zem_keps_inv
          into table ibatch
         where werks = me->werks
           and lgnum = me->lgnum
           and batch is not null.

  data: batch_active type xchpf.
  data: alloclist type table of bapi1003_alloc_list.
  field-symbols: <wa_class> like line of alloclist.
  data: objnum type objnum.
  data: return type table of bapiret2.
  field-symbols: <wa_return> like line of return.
  data: guid type bapi1003_key-object_guid.
  data: value_num type table of bapi1003_alloc_values_num.
  field-symbols <wa_value_num> like line of value_num.
  data: value_char type table of bapi1003_alloc_values_char.
  field-symbols: <wa_value_char> like line of value_char.
  data: ampl_size type i.

  loop at ibatch assigning <wa_batch>.
    clear batch_active.
    select single xchpf from marc
             into batch_active
            where matnr = <wa_batch>-matnr
              and werks = me->werks.
    check batch_active = 'X'.

    clear alloclist.
    objnum = <wa_batch>-matnr.
    call function 'BAPI_OBJCL_GETCLASSES'
              objectkey_imp   = objnum
              objecttable_imp = 'MARA'
              classtype_imp   = '022'
              alloclist       = alloclist
              return          = return.
    if alloclist[] is initial.
      write: / 'No Class Allocation for Material: ',
               <wa_batch>-matnr, <wa_batch>-pack_id.

    data: objectname type bapi1003_key-object.
    move <wa_batch>-matnr to objectname.
    move me->werks        to objectname+18(4).
    move <wa_batch>-batch to objectname+22(10).
    clear guid.
    call function 'BAPI_OBJCL_GET_KEY_OF_OBJECT'
              objectname         = objectname
              objecttable        = 'MCHA'
              classtype          = '022'
              create_missing_key = 'X'
              clobjectkeyout     = guid
              return             = return.

    call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT'
              wait = 'X'.

    if guid is initial.
      write: / 'Error Reading Object Key for Material: ',
       <wa_batch>-matnr, <wa_batch>-pack_id.

    read table alloclist assigning <wa_class>
          index 1.

    clear: value_num, value_char.
    if <wa_class>-classnum = 'MFR_LOT_DATA'.
      append initial line to value_char.
      read table value_char assigning <wa_value_char>
           index sy-tabix.
      move 'MANUFACTURER_LOT_NUMBER' to <wa_value_char>-charact.
      move <wa_batch>-l_batch        to <wa_value_char>-value_char.

      append initial line to value_char.
      read table value_char assigning <wa_value_char>
           index sy-tabix.
      move 'MANUFACTURER_NUMBER' to <wa_value_char>-charact.
      move <wa_batch>-lifnr      to <wa_value_char>-value_char.

      append initial line to value_char.
      read table value_char assigning <wa_value_char>
           index sy-tabix.
      move 'MANUFACTURER_DATE_CODE' to <wa_value_char>-charact.
      move 'LEGACY'                 to <wa_value_char>-value_char.

      append initial line to value_char.
      read table value_char assigning <wa_value_char>
           index sy-tabix.
      move 'MANUFACTURER_NAME' to <wa_value_char>-charact.
      select single name1 from lfa1 into <wa_value_char>-value_char
              where lifnr = <wa_batch>-lifnr.

      clear ampl_size.
      ampl_size = strlen( <wa_batch>-mfrpn ).
      append initial line to value_char.
      read table value_char assigning <wa_value_char>
           index sy-tabix.
      move 'MFR_NUMBER_AMPL' to <wa_value_char>-charact.
      move <wa_batch>-mfrpn      to <wa_value_char>-value_char.
      if ampl_size > 30.
        append initial line to value_char.
        read table value_char assigning <wa_value_char>
             index sy-tabix.
        move 'MFR_NUMBER_AMPL2' to <wa_value_char>-charact.
        move <wa_batch>-mfrpn+30 to <wa_value_char>-value_char.

    elseif <wa_class>-classnum = 'ASSEMBLY_BATCH'.
      write: / 'Unknown Class Allocation for Material: ',
             <wa_batch>-matnr, <wa_batch>-pack_id,

    call function 'BAPI_OBJCL_CREATE_KEY'
              clobjectkey_new = guid
              classnum_new    = <wa_class>-classnum
              allocvaluesnum  = value_num
              allocvalueschar = value_char
              return          = return.

    loop at return assigning <wa_return>.
      if <wa_return>-type = 'E'.
        write: / <wa_batch>-matnr, <wa_batch>-batch,

    call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT'
              wait = 'X'.



0 Kudos

hello thomas,

can u please send me all the code used by you.



0 Kudos

What code are you looking for. I gave my whole sample on creating my classification. What other parts are you looking for? My entire application is spread across several programs and an ABAP OO Class. The whole thing would be much too large to post here.

0 Kudos

hello thomas,

can u plz send me the code of creating classification using bapi and then creating the material documents using bapi method. both the code in sync, so that i can refer and build the logic.

if required u can send me that code on



0 Kudos

Well I already posted all the code for creating the classification. This classification is then stored as part of the Batch. Notice that I supplied the Material, Plant and Batch Number when I generated the Classification Key.

Maybe a little information on the whole application is in order. This is a data migration application. The legacy system sends me a file with inventory (by serial number). This data contains the external batch number (and the data I need to create my classification). I store all of this information in a Z-Table. I then create new SAP batches and assign the classification values to it. The user then has a RF transaction in which they scan the inventory on the floor. At this time we post the inventory and assign the batch to it.

Now the following is the code that I use to create my Batches.

method keps_create_batches.

  types: begin of t_batch,
          pack_id type zzem_matdoc_label_serial,
          matnr   type matnr,
          lwedt   type lwedt,
          mhd_io  type mhd_io,
          iprkz   type dattp,
          l_batch type zzem_legacy_batch_or_date_code,
          lifnr   type lifnr,
         end of t_batch.

  data: ibatch type table of t_batch.
  field-symbols: <wa_batch> like line of ibatch.

  select pack_id matnr lwedt mhd_io iprkz l_batch lifnr
          from zem_keps_inv
          into table ibatch
         where werks = me->werks
           and lgnum = me->lgnum
           and l_batch is not null.

  data: batch_active type xchpf.
  data: n_batch type charg_d.
  data: attrib type bapibatchatt.
  data: batch type charg_d.
  data: return type table of bapiret2.
  field-symbols: <wa_return> like line of return.

  data: r_batch type range of charg_d.
  field-symbols: <wa_rbatch> like line of r_batch.
  append initial line to r_batch.
  read table r_batch assigning <wa_rbatch>
       index sy-tabix.
  <wa_rbatch>-sign = 'I'.
  <wa_rbatch>-option = 'NE'.

  loop at ibatch assigning <wa_batch>.
    clear batch_active.
    select single xchpf from marc
             into batch_active
            where matnr = <wa_batch>-matnr
              and werks = me->werks.
    check batch_active = 'X'.

    clear n_batch.
    select single batch from zem_keps_inv
             into n_batch
                  pack_id ne <wa_batch>-pack_id
              and werks   = me->werks
              and lgnum   = me->lgnum
              and matnr   = <wa_batch>-matnr
              and lwedt   = <wa_batch>-lwedt
              and mhd_io  = <wa_batch>-mhd_io
              and iprkz   = <wa_batch>-iprkz
              and l_batch = <wa_batch>-l_batch
              and lifnr   = <wa_batch>-lifnr
              and batch   in r_batch.
    if sy-subrc = 0.
      update zem_keps_inv set batch = n_batch
       where pack_id = <wa_batch>-pack_id.
      clear attrib.
      if <wa_batch>-mhd_io is initial.
        attrib-expirydate = <wa_batch>-mhd_io.
      if <wa_batch>-lwedt is initial.
        attrib-lastgrdate = <wa_batch>-lwedt.
      clear batch.
      call function 'BAPI_BATCH_CREATE'
                material        = <wa_batch>-matnr
                plant           = me->werks
                batchattributes = attrib
                batch           = batch
                return          = return.
      if not batch is initial.
        update zem_keps_inv set batch = batch
         where pack_id = <wa_batch>-pack_id.
        write: / 'Error creating Batch for Package ID: ',
        loop at return assigning <wa_return>.
          write: /5 <wa_return>-message.


Finally this is the code that I use to post my inventory.

****BAPI Structures
  data: gm_head type bapi2017_gm_head_01 .
  data: gm_code type bapi2017_gm_code .

  data: l_lenum type lenum.

****BAPI Item Table
  data: gm_item type bapi2017_gm_item_create occurs 0 with header line.

****BAPI Return - Error Table
  data: ireturn type bapiret2 occurs 0 with header line.
****BAPI Error Flag
  data: bapi_error(1) type c.

  move zem_keps_inv-lgpla to

  clear zem_keps_inv.
  select single * from zem_keps_inv
          where pack_id = zem_stor_loc_to_stor_loc-pack_id.

  move zem_rf_errors-lgpbe to zem_keps_inv-lgpla.

****Set the transaction dates off of the system date.
  move sy-datum to
  move zem_keps_inv-lwedt to

****Set the transaction code type
  move '04' to gm_code-gm_code.

****Move screen values into the BAPI structures
  move zem_keps_inv-matnr to gm_item-material.
  move zem_keps_inv-matnr to zem_rf_errors-matnr.

  move zem_keps_inv-werks to gm_item-plant.
  move zem_keps_inv-werks to zem_rf_errors-werks.

  move zem_keps_inv-quantity to gm_item-entry_qnt.
  move zem_keps_inv-quantity to zem_rf_errors-entry_qnt.

  move movement_type to gm_item-move_type.
  move movement_type to zem_rf_errors-move_type.

  move zem_keps_inv-lgort
        to gm_item-stge_loc.
  move zem_keps_inv-lgort
        to zem_rf_errors-move_stloc.

  clear lagp.
  select single lgtyp from lagp into lagp-lgtyp
          where lgnum = wa_lgnum
            and lgpla = zem_keps_inv-lgpla.
  move lagp-lgtyp to zem_keps_inv-lgtyp.

  move zem_keps_inv-batch to gm_item-batch.

  append gm_item.

****Call the Goods Movement BAPI
  call function 'BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE'
            goodsmvt_header  = gm_head
            goodsmvt_code    = gm_code
            materialdocument = zem_keps_inv-mblnr
            matdocumentyear  = zem_keps_inv-mjahr
            goodsmvt_item    = gm_item
            return           = ireturn.
****Read the return structure from the BAPI and check for Error
  loop at ireturn.
    if ireturn-type = 'E' or
       ireturn-type = 'A'.
      move 'X' to bapi_error.

Some of this code is still taken out of context from the larger application, but it does show how I interact with all the SAP BAPIs.

0 Kudos


I require a BDC for CL20N(njoy SAP) transaction to add characteristic value to manufacturing plant for class type 053(ippe node). When I try to record thru SHDB it is exiting from the middle, but when I run the transaction without SHDB its working perfectly.

I can't use CL20 because it is saying its obsolete, do not use.

Former Member
0 Kudos


I have the same problem, I´m using BAPI BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE to receipt goods but the material is categorized with class 022 with batches.

But when I executed the bapi with tx se37 the return code is ...


E M7 036 Para el pedido 4500199903 00001 no es posible efectuar una EM(for the purchase order 4500199903 00001 is not possible to do EM)

I don't know if the problem is because the material is categorized with batches or is because I 'm forgetting to enter other values.

With the tx mb01 for good receipt when I finalize to enter all the data for the receipt appears other dynpro for completing the characteristic of the batch class 022.

Anyone can help me with this?

Is there a way to trace the error of the bapi? exclude debugging.