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ALV with ida access

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Dear all,

New bie to hana abap.

If i switch to ALV with IDA access.I get that i can use simple one table data query with selection parameter through passing parameter in methods of ALV.

But when now from this data ,i have to retrieve further data using for all entries from some different table ,then what is the right approach from performance perspecitve ?

If suppose i use cds view,even there could be a situation that anytime further i may have to use another for all entries of same itab.


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yes i would go for a cds view, which you can enhance if you need more data

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But you see,in previous paradigm we used for all entries on present itab output,and get further delta addon.

Now enhancing report means understanding it from beginning,transform cds which can bring potential side effects to existing functionality.

I have been visiting sap ida with alv and also learnt editable alv is not supported.

I am simply wondering what to like after hana in abap.

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Aditya Sharma

You can try with Joins and associations as mentioned in the below link.

ABAP Core Data Services - Joins & Associations


Brother ,people who have spend 20 years and been used to a particular method of writing code.

What about these new methods ?.You think is adaptability to this level of complexity an easy agenda ?.

SAP has overlooked these aspects.Had been use of modularity or MVC approaches that simpler,then market would have been flooded with people of struts,spring,hibernate.I bet hardly 10% people know what is meaning of word annotation .

Bringing such a change can cost sap on huge terms...loosing as erp solution in wrong race .Intent has to be simplify things rather complicate them.

One plugin play erp comes and sap can see the door.

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From performance perspective, i think push the select to DB is more effective than select into internal table then do the FAE again. What you talked: "transform cds which can bring potential side effects to existing functionality" is true for FAE also, or not? could you tell me an example...ALV IDA is new concept suppose to use with new feature like CDS view so it only "View"...I don't know if it editable in future...