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Address window of smart form

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Folks,

I am new to Address Window of Smart form. Can any one tell me how to use the same? I have created one in my page and assigned a variable to the Address Number field but not able to move ahead from there.




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Create an Address Node in the Smartform and Position it in the page properly.

In the Address Node by default it will expect the Address Number to be entered as literal.

But to Specify the Variable you have to Click on the Arrow button next to the Address Number in Address Node.

It is used to specify the Address number dynamically.

Place the Variable Name in that field .

It will work.

<b>Reward if Helpful</b>


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Create an Address Node in the Smartform and Position it in the page properly.

In the Address Node by default it will expect the Address Number to be entered as literal.

But to Specify the Variable you have to Click on the Arrow button next to the Address Number in Address Node.

It is used to specify the Address number dynamically.

Place the Variable Name in that field .

It will work.

<b>Reward if Helpful</b>

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Narayana,

I have done till this place but I can't move ahead. It is showing me error <b>"Error in address output(address not found)"</b> where as address exists in the table. So can you tell me how to proceed further.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi everybody,

My problem is solved.

You just need to define variable instead not variable name. for example if your variable name si v_adrnr then you need to define the same as &v_adrnr& instead of simple v-adrnr.



Former Member
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Check Dynamic field value button which is right hand side of address number field.

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Former Member
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hey sidarth

can u send me the code for address window... even i m facing the same problem.

here there are 3 address so ....