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ABAP Code Metrics from older object versions



I am currently working with the transaction /SDF/CD_CCA. There's a function to get the ABAP code metrics from the current or active Version of a report, class,... Now I want to evaluate the code metric for the first version of every of these objects. Does anyone has an idea how to accomplish this? I want to do this for all the custom code in the system so I can compare how the metrics changed between the versions.

I also know the Code Inspector offers some metrics too but I don't know how to do this with it neither.

I would be thankful for any suggestion or idea you have.

Thank you!


Active Contributor

I doubt this is possible. Also consider that other objects that were used in the previous versions could've also changed, so such metrics would be of limited use. You could probably intelligently compare only very recent versions and only of specific object types.

Maybe it's something abapGit could help with but I don't know. CC lars.hvam

Active Contributor

Still some way to go, but I'd recommend:

A: implement

B: do the metrics with abaplint, already got some running at for open source

0 Kudos

Thanks for the idea. I'm going to try it out.