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Process chain errors

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Hi all,

I have a question regarding the 'process chain'. Here is my business scenario:

--<b>I loaded data into ODS and then loaded from ODS to the Cube.</b> I created the infopackage for ODS with the 'full load' and 'immediately load' one month ago. Now I tried to create the 'process chain' for this infopackage. However I got an error message-process loading has no preprocessor. Do anyone know why?

--In this scenario, when I created one infopackage for ODS, do I need to add the cube in the 'data target' tab of the scheduler? If not, can anyone tell me how can the cube upload data periodically?

Thank you for whoever share the experience.

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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Do a refresh of the screen and you should see some unassigned nodes.

To load data from ODS to InfoCube do not create InfoPacks. Use the process type Further processing from ODS.



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Hi Aneesh,

--I did and I found my porcess chain. But I still received the error-<b>Process has no predcessor</b>(the problem is from 'execute infopackage'). I cannot activate my process chain.

--Can you specific where I can setup the upload periodically for the cube loaded from the ODS? Is it in the 'update rules'?

Thank you very much for sharing your experience.

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Hi JOhn,

Have you started your process chain with a START process? Other processes can only be started by the START process. In the start process you can maintain the frequency of the load too. Postback if you need some documentation on this, or you can refer to this link:

Hope this helps...

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Hi Bhaun,

Here is the steps I follows:

After I finished it, I got the error message. I created the ' process chain' by press the <b>'press chain maintenance'</b> buttom in the infopackage which I created for the ODS. Can you tell the problem?

Can you send the doc. to Thank you very much.

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ok, so my guess is that you have not linked the start process to the rest of the chain. Try this and you should be good to go.

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I have also sent you some documents.

Hope this helps...

Former Member
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Hi Bhanu,

Thank you for the Doc. I checked the 'monitor' in the scheduler. In the 'detail' shows error -<b>process chain:errors cccured</b> in the <b>Transactional data load</b>. Can you describe in detail of the setup steps regarding the link between the start process to the rest of the chain? The scheduler for the process chain is setup successful.

Thank you very much.

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0 Kudos

Hi John,

To link the Start process to the rest of the chain just place your cursor in the lower rectangle of the START process and start dragging the link (dotted line) to the next process and then drop. You will see that the link is formed.

Hope this helps...

Former Member
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Hi Bhanu,

You're right. I didn't have the link between 'start' and 'load data (infopackage)'. I followed you advice but the the link didn't showup. Do you know what it can be wrong or i need to change setting before I use the drag & drop function? Thank you

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Hi Bhanu,

I cannot place the cursor in the rectangle of the START.

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If you are in the planning view, it should work without having to make any further settings...can you see the dotted line or no?

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By cursor I mean the mouse Arrow...can you not move this over the Start process?

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Hi Bhanu,

Nope. I didn't see the dotted line. Here is I am. I go to RSA1 -> Press the 'process chain' buttom -> refresh it and I see the process chain I created -> now I am in the 'Process chain maintenance planning view. The only dotted line is the frame of the planning view. Thank you.

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Hi John,

I was referring to the dottedline that appears when you put your mouse over the start process, click down and start to drag to the next process.

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Hi Bhanu,

Is it because I used 'direct scheduling' in the process chain so I cannot draw the line? Thank you.

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Should not be so...

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Hi Bhanu,

The main reason for thank you is that you have the patients for someone has questions and sharing with your experience.


Active Contributor
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Thanks John...did you get your chain to work now?

Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Former Member
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Hi again,

The disadvantage of second option is the same. You cannot have a clear log of updation into the further datatargets. Only in the datatargets you can see the records and if you click on the monitor of the same, you might get some clues.


Former Member
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Hi john,

There are two ways of loading data from ODS to the cube.

1. By creating Export data source and creating infosource with this export data source and with the corresponding update rule and infopackage u can load the corresponding cube.

2. The option "Update data targets from ODS object automatically" in the setting of the ODS. If any of the cubes are updated by ODS and in the ODS setting the above check mark is checked, then as soon as the data is loaded into ODS, the cube is also updated.

I always prefer the first option cos it gives me more details about the load and you can monitor it in a better way..

you can post for further clearance of ur doubt.


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Hi Sriram,

Thank you for very clear concept and information.

Is there any way I can check the data upload setup if I use option 2 to see the dataflow from ODS to the Cube?

Thank you very much